Saturday, April 2, 2011

Walking with God

Walking with God- We often refer to an old testament verse where Enoch walked with God, but was not. We hear of other great prophets who walked with God. I like to think of this as the journey , we often become so close to God that it is like taking a walk with a friend. Many would  loathe us for calling God the almighty a friend but yet
he is. To clarify this point we were created for the sole purpose of communication with God , he was glad to have us. He only asked for obedience to simple rules that were mainly for our benefit. God loves us more than we can imagine. He went to great lengths to reconcile us to him by sending his only begotten Son , Jesus Christ to undergo a crown of thorns and be humiliated and later crucified. Imagine what that must have been like but that act changed
humanity forever and is still felt today. 
 We are also called upon to walk with God , we often recognize a few saints that made major contributions but will never know all the real saints of God. Some often un-recognized in this life but they have a walk with God all the same. Many are from different cultures and faiths , we will be surprised to find out in the end of times.  I was always leery of those who say they are the chosen and only a certain number will reach heaven. The Holy Spirit teaches us to walk with God , we should never think belonging to a church or making a one time resolution is enough. We can easily fall back into our old habits but it is never too late to re-connect with God. Gods love is always reaching out with everlasting arms. 
 The impact we make while our own life journey , is very similar to that of Christ as we become more spiritual and making personal sacrifices  , libre abaci causing a ripple however large or small. Some think God is an illusion or imaginary being or friend. Actually some day you will discover that we are the illusion or creation.
 He created man and woman with a single thought  - how great thou art.  

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