Sunday, September 4, 2011

Stealing Thunder

 We had a violent storm recently in the natural realm this often is accompanied by thunder. In the spiritual realm we can easily be deceived by an entity that will steal God's thunder. This is often done by making the one true God through the use of fantasy or myth seem like many gods. An example of this is in greek mythology we have the god of thunder - Zeus. We also have in ancient hindu beliefs the notion of many gods. What are these many gods? The second commandment is thou shall have no other Gods before me.  It makes God upset when other gods are made of stone or golden calves are man made and presented to worship. I am going to call this stealing thunder, actually it is false worship and takes praise away from the one God.
  For a long time we have struggled in the christian faith to explain our beliefs , we believe in one God actually have always done so. We do however know he is inside of us , just as he is omnipotent and omniscience in everything. Yet , he does not want to be identified as a single object or mythological being because he is real. We are also led by some in feminist circles to believe he is female , another insult. Jesus said , he was our Father - who art in heaven. Although I believe God is spirit , so cannot be explained, in the Lakota beliefs he will always be the Great Mystery. We will never fully understand or comprehend God. The more we think we know , the more we realize we do not.
  Ecclesiastes 8:18 then I saw all that God has done.
  No one can comprehend what goes on under the sun.
  Despite all his efforts to search it out, man cannot discover its meaning.
  Even if a wise man claims he knows, he cannot really comprehend it.
Even a wise man cannot comprehend all that God is. I love the book of Ecclesiastes probably because it tells us there is a time for everything and also that it is impossible for a human to fully understand God, even if enlightened as some prophets were as perhaps the buddha no one can ever comprehend fully God. If they say so it is contrary to scripture. There are many beliefs in the world but as Jesus taught , he did not come to judge but to save the world from their iniquities and ignorance. Ignorance is not bliss as some may say, it is blindness. Because we cannot see the snake , does not mean it is not there. Because we cannot see truth does not mean it doesn't exist, some may want to hide from the truth because it may be they are controlled by spiritual forces not of God. In the end God does not even glory in thunder, actually he prefers silence. He just does not want us stealing his thunder either, all glory under heaven belongs to God.Psalm 115:1, 3.

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