Saturday, September 24, 2011


 Though it may seem hard to understand Thought often follows Word. We hear Gods speak through scripture or inspiration , sometime even through a burning bush. My experience is through ministering angels and through his people. I have studied Thought and broken it down into three basic planes.

1. Self (self gratifying , material attachment, virtual - escapism, fear, self preservation.)

2. Meditative ( opposite of self, material detachment, inviting the Holy Spirit, conquering fear, inner peace)

3. Creative ( Following Word , Thought -creative thought leads to Deed. Sometimes it may be a song or writing a book or poem-quotation original, inspiration an invention or planting.) Planting is a part of creative thought , God will plant seeds from a creative mind. God dwells in this plane. He will not force us into it, but invites us.

 When I think of Thought it can be philosophical such as practiced by a religious holy person where the second level is obtained. The meditative level leads to inner peace , which is what Christ had promised to his apostles, my peace I leave unto you.
  Enoch walked with God but was not, in Thought what does that mean. Enoch was a dwelling place for God he was not himself. He was eventually  taken from this world, I do not know how- whether he crossed dimensions or a divine chariot came as some proposed. In the Creative thought anything is possible or can happen. Sometimes a person can have an out of body experience or once I experienced an encounter with a messenger and thoughts were encrypted into my mind, almost like a data transmission. Later I tried to find out what happened, it was instantaneous , bits and pieces later became decompressed and understood. It was not prophetic futuristic visions but volumes of information. I think this was something others have experienced throughout history, many probably kept it secret - not wanting to be mocked. Edgar Cayce was said, to enter a dream state and obtain knowledge on healing , practical living and future events. I only had one dream of a future event and it came true after 30 years, so I know seeing in the future is possible just not something that happens every day. Mine was related to a family member and was not earth shaking.
 The Creative Thought is one where, let this mind be in you that was also in Christ Jesus. Jesus had wisdom , since a child was a student that impressed his teachers. He often spoke in the parables to bring things of depth to a simple understanding. The Creative mind is not just built around stories but truth, we see various prophets in history that had foregone the material world for the creative. Jesus was able to multiply the food to feed the multitude at a gathering with just a few items. Is healing possible today - Yes , I have seen various members of my family healed by prayer at home. It was not something we thought extraordinary we still went to doctors and medical professionals for surgery not thinking it was a lack of faith, we just accepted the blessings as they came.
 You hear of out of body experiences - our Thoughts can project us into another place, perhaps thousands of miles or maybe just a few feet. Creative thought is amazing - many are exploring this phenomena and writing books on astral projection. Habakkuk was transported to Babylon , Daniel was and Isaiah were both transported - Isaiah  to heaven for a glimpse. We even see Enoch was transported and never returned. All this seems like an episode of Doctor Who -an imaginary figure who traveled time. I believe God put us in this place and time for a reason, we are a stone in time for others. I am content to be here and now- it is where my journey begins and ends.
  Is the modern church adept to handle spirituality, NO- most churches were created by divisions and will say that the bible and liturgy is all there is. They will refuse to fast or pray beyond the expected daily devotion or pew time. We have hindu and buddhist monks that will fast for weeks but very few pastors believe in fasting. My take on this is fasting is required to purify the mind , so Thought can be put on track with Gods will. It does not need to be practiced often but at least once a year or more. My fast is with water for three days but no food, sometimes I will fast eating just one meal for weeks or a particular type of food Quaker oats bar and a glass of water.
  I only speak about fasting as a way to get your mind off the material world and purify your thoughts.Coupled with prayer a powerful tool to enter the meditative and if blessed the creative thought stream.
  I am sure inner peace will carry you through this life, and that is enough but if you are in need of a spiritual awakening or perhaps a burden is upon you, you should not be afraid to try to take your christian experience to a creative level. You will still maintain a sound mind, if the cup is filled to the tup with goodness , evil cannot enter.  Peace be with you.

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