Saturday, March 21, 2015

Ox mind

Having stated in prior writings  the heart is the shepherd and the mind is the sheep. This is referring to the religious mindset. In the philosophical mindset the heart is similar to an ox herdsman and the mind is spoken of being oxen. When we think of oxen we think of the yoke that keeps the two together so that work can be performed. The bible also mentions the yoke between a man and a woman each working equally. The yoke is simply trust in whatever belief you have. Trust is a yoke because it takes away some freedom to perform work rather than play in the fields.

While many will have their own explanation of the oxen. I believe it is the upper and lower self. The Buddha was about balance , the middle path. He believed that our nature was not to be extreme in ascetic practice or indulgent in desires either. He also accepted that women were entitled to be enlightened as much as anyone which for that time period was remarkable. Buddha spent much of his life trying different things from meditation to physical asceticism. He studied the current religions of that time.

Buddha was about yoking the mind rather than letting it wander like sheep. In yoking the mind it is about the questions. Ask the right questions rather than try to provide an answer. That is why I would consider Buddha the greatest philosopher or herdsman and Jesus the good shepherd.

To still the mind in order to receive mystic knowledge you have to provide an answer or control the question. The great philosophers always were about asking a better question.

We also find there are humans that are in touch with nature and matter especially the natural sciences. We are all connected through the human form as a species. You may say we are all one and yet different vessels. We are also one with our surroundings in the human form. The vessel is what makes each of us unique, we all have a different finger print a different iris which we see out of. It is supposed to be that way. What makes a cult is saying we are all the same, no we are all different and that is the beauty.

In the Ox mind , which the Buddha prescribed for the self. He realized to be balanced a yoke would need to be put in place. We need have trust and rules in which to live, this was the yoke. In religion it is in God we trust, in Buddhism it about the five rights (morals)  balancing both our lower and higher self without religions it is more about finding the Buddha nature and following a natural way. Worry and fear can come from religion , that perhaps we should not be concerned with anything except our own nature. 



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