Saturday, October 1, 2011


 There was a great miracle in the bible called the transfiguration of Christ. Many would want dispute  this controversial event which Jesus was declared the true Son of God and met with early prophets to have a conversation. This was witnessed by Peter, James and John , so  it is their testimony we are hearing in scriptures. It is the peak of Christ's life on earth by having the two greatest prophets of all time Moses who gave the ten commandments, and led the Israel nation out of Egypt through the wilderness just short of the promised land. Then there was Elijah the prophet who raised the dead , and was taken away in a whirlwind.

 Jesus had a conversation with them after his face shone as the sun, his garments were white  as the light. Early prophets showing up at this event confirmed his nature. Yet later in the book of John , it was Peter who denied Christ. I would think after witnessing such an event he would have more faith than any of the apostles, he also walked on the water for a short time with Christ. What would one give to have been Peter , someone who bore witness to so many miracles and Jesus himself teaching him to perform miracles. Yet - he denied Christ in his last hours before the soldiers as Jesus had predicted he would. Yet , Jesus said after Peter recognized in Him the nature of Christ , Simon Barjona ,  upon this rock I shall build my church. Could he have been speaking of Peter as  some church builders would say building his church on a man, making him the first pope and falling into a practice of papist beliefs -or Could he be speaking of the fact that Peter recognized the nature of Christ , and this was the rock, a building block of faith.
 I will share in my experience as one who first confessed to God , Jesus was Lord was given the gift of salvation believe the rock of my salvation is Jesus Christ. Peter was not present at that time, neither was Moses or Elijah. The transfigured Christ was my salvation not Peter, Peter only confessed Christ as Lord, that is his claim to fame and he was not perfect, neither are we, only Christ is perfection. I will bear witness to the fact that Jesus desire is to have us not only follow Him but also wants us to be righteous, yes to wear the white garments and be holy before God. Jesus once spoke of this in the story of the wedding feast, which I believe is the greatest revelation of the kingdom of heaven if understood. In the end the wedding of Christ to his church the union came down to who had on their wedding garments. All others were seen as imposters and cast into the pit. Even those who did miracles in Jesus name were looked upon as wolves in sheep clothing, that did not live up to a holy life.
 During the transfiguration Moses was present, earlier in the old testament Moses had died before reaching the promised land. I believe Moses was present out of respect to Christ holy priesthood, and Elijah the prophet taken away in a whirlwind also was there to confirm the prophecy of Christ in Jesus. Many awaited the return of Elijah , but was this only to be as a participant of this event . Why would even the two prophets be present with the apostles watching or was God allowing them to witness as a reward for their service the transfiguration of His Son. All of these are conjecture - I do not claim to know the answer to this mystery miracle. What did they talk about? Why were they there?

 Obviously a miracle to some minds is beyond comprehension, I was not there as was Moses, Elijah, Peter , James and John. I do know Gods ability is beyond comprehension and all things are possible. There are those who can accept Elijah being carried away in a whirlwind or Moses seeing and speaking to the burning bush. This miracle of the transfiguration far exceeds any other, it speaks of time travel, of prophecy filled, a man transfigured into divine. At his baptism a voice came from heaven ,This is my Son of whom I am well pleased. At the transfiguration we were given a glimpse of His glory.

 Matthew (17:2) states that Jesus "was transfigured before them; his face shining as the sun, and his garments became white as the light." At that point the prophets Elijah and Moses appear and Jesus begins to talk to them.

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