The Libre Abaci - the Stone in Time
by Saint Eule
Many years have passed since Christ has risen and the effect on humanity is still felt. Many benefiting from his teaching and some stumbling upon the words written in scriptures. How many a scholar have devoted their entire lives to translations and interpretations of words written in the language of men. Can we be sure , that we are sure read it in the hebrew or was a faction lost in the greek,latin or our own english or other language. I do believe scripture was divinely inspired, but also believe it is best interpreted by the author who is the Holy Spirit not by man. We see dozens of versions of the bible in written form usually because men try to improve upon a previous version and sometimes wanting to bring more clarity to what was written thousands of years ago, but in some cases it becomes almost counter productive as in a bible study the pastor will say what does the amplified or American Standard version say. Sometimes there is a slight difference as to lead me to only a taste of understanding, I will need to pray for the Holy Spirit to bring it to light.
For Christ with his wisdom knew that Judas would betray him , yet he was willing to go to the cross. He also knew we would stumble through time and sent the comforter, the Holy Spirit to assist in the interpretations of the meaning of the word of God. The Holy Spirit is often left out of all mans equations and yet we still will say the kingdom is but three feet away. Jesus said, the kingdom of God is within you, how close many have come.
It is not my intention to preach in this writing but to reveal what mysteries that I can to not weaken your faith but give it strength. What the title is , contains what this book will be about, I hope to maintain that thread without becoming just another proclamation of authority with regards to scripture and interpretation thereof. What does libre abaci a mathematical formula rediscovered by Leonardo of Pisa also known by Fibonacci have to do with the Christian faith and how will it help to build our faith. Reader -I present the challenge to you read objectively through these passages and also re-discover your faith.
The formula found in the libre abaci is 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21 and so forth with each consecutive numeric added sequentially to the previous. We can compare this to the dropping of a stone into the middle of a pond of water and ripples protruding forth as their height or effectiveness diminishing as it reaches the end of the pond. The major part being the dropping of the stone, the minor part the ripple of the wave as it travels through time on the journey.
We know it was over 2000 years, since Christ has risen how the effect on humanity is still felt not yet reaching the end of the pond. The major event Christ resurrection the minor cause and effect upon all humanity. Yet, we are still not sure if we will give ourselves completely to Christ. He set an example and now we are to follow. We also must become the stone and send forth the effectually wave of faith, libre abaci in our time. A hundred
or a thousand or many thousands all happening in the realm of humanity. We through the Holy Spirit can change humanity as Christ taught us and wills us to commit to the journey.
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