Baptism in water - We as christian are encouraged to participate in this act of submersing by clergy in water. Some say all is needed is a sprinkling of a few drops God forbid we drown the new babe in Christ. However so much as this act is performed, men will debate even that. As they tend to lose sight of the true meaning of baptism. Baptism is an act of faith the fount or spring or pond whatever container or source of water used is relevant only that it is water. Water being a necessity of life itself bringing forth the spiritual life or journey we will embark upon as Christians. In blessed hope we follow in the foot steps of Christ or create in essence the libre abaci as to make our own ripples as transformed spiritual beings. I can honestly say without hesitation I do not remember the day in which my dedication took place but do remember explicitly the day in which the Holy Ghost did visit and I did receive , the day in which my filthy soul was cleansed, the comforter has stayed with me since and guided me, fore bearing my sinful nature and teaching me not the will of men but that of God.
Where does this rite of faith come from as it was practiced long before Jesus Christ himself was baptized in water. We hear of the voice in the wilderness calling upon all to be baptized in the name of God, does John the baptist come to mind. Where did John the baptist come up with this notion that all are to submit to act. I say to you it did not come from man , it come from God himself but he John the baptist said, there will be one who follows me that will baptize with the Holy Ghost and (with) fire . God creates not only in the sense of a material, physical world but also in the spiritual heavenly world. He desires us to be not only stewards of this world but part of the heavenly world. Yes- he wants to share in an after life an actual place called heaven. Many religions will say we are cursed to dwell only in the world we can see with our natural eyes , then return to dust. That was the teaching before Christ even in some religious and also in atheistic society. So do we need a baptism of water as expressed in most christian faiths -this I honestly believe did no harm but to dedicate my soul until the Holy Ghost did come to purge the dross from my soul and cleanse me. The Quaker belief is that water baptism is not needed, Lutherans belief is that it is absolutely necessary to salvation. I following in the footsteps of Christ have been baptized in water in the earthly fashion as an adult. Dedicated in the Brethren tradition as a baby but it was a time of innocence which responsibility was on the part of the parents and I have no such remembrance but a piece of paper saying so. I do not believe Christ would deny entrance to the kingdom of a little baby that died in birth or in an indigenous part of the world that had no availability of a clergy, for he said- suffer not the little children to come unto me. I would prefer to engage in the water baptism if it is possible but never condemn a child of innocence to hell or anyone for that matter. Judge not lest you be judged , I have come not to judge the world but to save it, saith the Lord.
What do I personally believe concerning water baptism, being a member of the Lutheran church and an advocate of the Society of Friends puts me in a predicative quorum. Jesus after his resurrection appeared to the apostles and breathed upon them the Holy Ghost bidding them peace. The inner peace that passes all understanding , this precious gift to be shared and he sent them to all the ends of the world to preach His gospel. I believe the path to inner peace is the concern of the individual being. All I know is this inner peace is obtainable through Christ our Lord and who am I to judge.
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