Baptism in the Holy Spirit- What now I have chosen to be a person of faith , submitted to God accepted his Son Jesus Christ as savior , his birth -resurrection and atonement for sin believe sincerely. Where do I go from here? I am a christian according to most definition. What about the promise of Jesus to send the comforter, have I received this promise. Ask and you shall receive - pray to God to send the Holy Spirit , the comforter. When you do -prepare to receive the most amazing experience of your life. When the prophet Isaiah was moved to serve God and said, here I am , send me. He was met with the most amazing experience a visit from the Holy Spirit, the prophet was cleansed and given power to serve God. We need the power of the Holy Spirit to serve God whether jew or christian or whatever your faith. I will restrict my writing here to christianity but the Holy Spirit has been known to man throughout history as the spirit of truth and a life changer. I submit to you when you act in faith the Holy Spirit will give you strength to cast that stone into the pond and you will effect the law of mathematics the libre abaci, and send forth a ripple through time. God the Father commands and as Jesus taught us we are to become that person of faith and commit to our life journey. At that very moment a cleansing and peace that passes all understanding will come over us. Wow all the time I was going against the tide now I am actually confident in Gods will.
All the scripture , all the teachings, the ritual baptism in water were just a taste of understanding. My journey has only just begun now, I will make a ripple as Christ ordained and know I have a comforter who will always be with me. To help discern the true meaning of scriptures , help me to forgive, teach me love and to hope for a better outcome of my life journey. I will be a ripple of faith no longer in the dark my words will inspire others , libre abaci. We need to become the stone cast into the pond, cares of this life no longer matter . Have we become perfect , no but we begin the journey , for Jesus said, not my will but thy will be done. Was this a sacrifice to pain , no but one that leads to peace, one that leads to joy.
- And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever." and "It is expedient for you that I go away; for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you."
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