Saturday, July 21, 2012

The Spirit and the cloth

 I was sitting in the hospital with my mother-in-law by adoption, who had for many years been a cook and housekeeper for the catholic church. She was faithful in her tithes and giving. Always working with the local school to raise funds for a new roof or gymnasium. Her entire life dedicated to the church on her walls are pictures of the priests that served in the parish.
 She was in the hospital for weeks waiting for a visit from the local priest, a man of the cloth. Every day she waited the man of the cloth never came. She called the church each day they said' someone would come - no one did'. For it was this reliance on the cloth that she lived being brought up to believe she could confess her sins, be prayed for by a priest when the need arose. However God is Spirit not cloth I asked if she wanted prayer , No the priest will be here soon. I was once an ordained minister of a non denominational , a generic pastor but never wore a collar and did pray in silence as I held her hand and washed her feet.
 How sad we rely on the cloth to bring us spiritual renewal. Today there are a shortage of priests they have had a few scandal ridden decades where many called are reluctant to be associated or answer the call. The church is relying more and more on lay persons to fill the gaps and there are few of them. What we must realize is God is Spirit , let us gather together and pray for the sick - brothers and sisters in Christ. John the revelator said' John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God.  How can we rely on a person dressed in cloth , when we are all ordained to serve as Christians we are to pray for one another. James 5:16 Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.
 It is sad that some believe only a priest can pray for them or even confess their sins to. We are all adjoined in Christ to be uplifting each other whether of the cloth or not. I do uplift those dedicated to Gods work in prayer , as they travel the highways and byways but also realize there is no special power given them that is not given to all. Where two or more are gathered n my name ,  I am there amongst you.
 It was sad , once we had a seminar on prayer and a pastor stated he never in twenty years had someone healed by prayer. A statement that caused me distress , it may have been that he had the cloth but not the spirit. God's promise is to heal us mind , body and spirit and bring peace to our souls. If we are not being heard perhaps the cloth has become our refuge and not the spirit. God is spirit-John 4:24
God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.”

 Recently went again to visit my mother-in-law in the same hospital. God works in mysterious ways this time not waiting on the cloth, since it was on my mind. Reaching out to all the people in the room we all joined hands and led in prayer - sometimes we just need to capture the moment and we all felt much better - especially my mother -in - law.


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