The star led them to a manger , there was no room at the inn for the young couple Mary and Joseph. Mary had given birth to the Lord in amongst the domestic animals and hay. I pondered on this and my mind was as the manger. It was full of animal and hay when the baby Jesus came to be born. Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus. A mind born as a child - a dwelling place, this was the beginning of salvation.
Later the mind became a temple built not with hands but with the guidance of the Lord. Then the Holy Ghost came unto me to fill the temple - a dwelling place. Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus. The mind that begins to see reality as it is , the presence of the living God dwells in Christians from the manger to the temple. This is the Great Mystery - The excellence of the tabernacle, both in its materials and its workmanship, was a reflection of the excellencies of God. The tabernacle was also a holy place, because abiding in it was a holy God. We are such a place a tabernacle where God resides - his Holy Spirit dwells in us.
Some would say this was conjecture but "The kingdom of God is within you, and all around you." Luke 17:21 - this is the mystery revealed in the tabernacle of your mind. What was once a a tent like structure each separated by a partition or veil , a holy place then the Holy of Holies.
We now come to the Holy of Holies, a small room 10 cubits x 10 cubits (15' x 15') separated from the Holy Place by the veil. It housed one piece of redemptive furniture, the ark of the Covenant, with its mercy seat. There was no created light like the sun and no artificial light but Gods own "Shekinah" glory that lit up the Holiest Place.
There was no seat for man but here Jehovah sat alone on the throne of glory and righteousness. As the high priest entered once a year, he entered with bowed head, unsandalled feet, and bells. No human voice was heard, only the voice of God.
There was also a rope and a bell tied to the high priest should he not perform the sacred duties, the bell would ring and they daring not enter the place would pull him out by the rope. Obedience so important in every detail, yet we under grace forget how this all began. God is holy - in the presence of the Holy Spirit you will feel like filth not able to bear the presence of the Shekinah glory will beg for forgiveness because he is holy. He will touch you and cleanse the dross from your soul. Then you will forever be the Lords - a dwelling place. Not in another time but now in the present, some say this is enlightenment others may call the experience being filled.
Lord help us to be your dwelling place, a place where the Holy Spirit can reside without distraction of virtual realities and the worries of this world. Let this mind be in us that was in Christ not to judge but to share the love and joy that we have been given. Praise you Lord and keep us in the palm of your hand. - amen.
Later the mind became a temple built not with hands but with the guidance of the Lord. Then the Holy Ghost came unto me to fill the temple - a dwelling place. Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus. The mind that begins to see reality as it is , the presence of the living God dwells in Christians from the manger to the temple. This is the Great Mystery - The excellence of the tabernacle, both in its materials and its workmanship, was a reflection of the excellencies of God. The tabernacle was also a holy place, because abiding in it was a holy God. We are such a place a tabernacle where God resides - his Holy Spirit dwells in us.
Some would say this was conjecture but "The kingdom of God is within you, and all around you." Luke 17:21 - this is the mystery revealed in the tabernacle of your mind. What was once a a tent like structure each separated by a partition or veil , a holy place then the Holy of Holies.
We now come to the Holy of Holies, a small room 10 cubits x 10 cubits (15' x 15') separated from the Holy Place by the veil. It housed one piece of redemptive furniture, the ark of the Covenant, with its mercy seat. There was no created light like the sun and no artificial light but Gods own "Shekinah" glory that lit up the Holiest Place.
There was no seat for man but here Jehovah sat alone on the throne of glory and righteousness. As the high priest entered once a year, he entered with bowed head, unsandalled feet, and bells. No human voice was heard, only the voice of God.
There was also a rope and a bell tied to the high priest should he not perform the sacred duties, the bell would ring and they daring not enter the place would pull him out by the rope. Obedience so important in every detail, yet we under grace forget how this all began. God is holy - in the presence of the Holy Spirit you will feel like filth not able to bear the presence of the Shekinah glory will beg for forgiveness because he is holy. He will touch you and cleanse the dross from your soul. Then you will forever be the Lords - a dwelling place. Not in another time but now in the present, some say this is enlightenment others may call the experience being filled.
Lord help us to be your dwelling place, a place where the Holy Spirit can reside without distraction of virtual realities and the worries of this world. Let this mind be in us that was in Christ not to judge but to share the love and joy that we have been given. Praise you Lord and keep us in the palm of your hand. - amen.
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