For some reason I have been dwelling on the words of Jesus saying about children, that the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. I guess it all started with watching some children color in a coloring book.
We could all use a little color in our lives at times. It made me content just to see them interested in something beside a video game or television. It was then that a castle came into my mind a bridge and a moat around the castle. The moat seemed to represent the complex religions of the world. The bridge the simplicity of Love , Hope and Forgiveness or the hand of a friend. In the moat they were swimming in circles of polluted mud and all crawly things. The children were walking over the bridge joy in their eyes heading toward the castle. Now some will say I have quite an imagination but these are the pictures that come into mind about religion and simple truths.
I was attending a regular bible study , it was a nice social time sharing coffee , donuts and the bible. The study got deep into the hebrew translations and at first it was interesting. Then I realized all the many interpretations and directions things can take. Each person in the room all of the same church but many perceptions. Sometimes I think we need to put on our children's glasses and accept the simple truths. We just need to add some color to our faith. I enjoy being with other christians and especially those that are willing to share good testimonies.
The heart of a child is so pure , and also I have met a lot of elderly that have managed to maintain that purity throughout their lives, they are the real deal.
Thank you , Jesus.
We could all use a little color in our lives at times. It made me content just to see them interested in something beside a video game or television. It was then that a castle came into my mind a bridge and a moat around the castle. The moat seemed to represent the complex religions of the world. The bridge the simplicity of Love , Hope and Forgiveness or the hand of a friend. In the moat they were swimming in circles of polluted mud and all crawly things. The children were walking over the bridge joy in their eyes heading toward the castle. Now some will say I have quite an imagination but these are the pictures that come into mind about religion and simple truths.
I was attending a regular bible study , it was a nice social time sharing coffee , donuts and the bible. The study got deep into the hebrew translations and at first it was interesting. Then I realized all the many interpretations and directions things can take. Each person in the room all of the same church but many perceptions. Sometimes I think we need to put on our children's glasses and accept the simple truths. We just need to add some color to our faith. I enjoy being with other christians and especially those that are willing to share good testimonies.
The heart of a child is so pure , and also I have met a lot of elderly that have managed to maintain that purity throughout their lives, they are the real deal.
Thank you , Jesus.
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