Thursday, October 3, 2019

The Art of Knowing

We are told ignorance is bliss - what you don't know won't hurt you. Then again if you had already eaten from the forbidden fruit of knowledge then you must learn about life -through knowing.

Knowing has four parts -

The ugly lie.
The beautiful lie.

The ugly truth.
The beautiful truth.

The ugly lie is Evil . It is deliberate , made to HURT , to cause PAIN. However it is a LIE.
When you are told you can't succeed because you are short or because of your gender or race that
is all part of the ugly lie. It is meant to keep you down. It is meant to control you to subvert you.
Recognize it do not accept it - ignore it or if its persistent face it and rebuke it.

The beautiful lie - is often disguised . Like a wolf in sheeps clothing. Often a sales tactic used to
cheat you. It may be flattering when actually its intent is to deceive you. Used often for control and often by narcissist. It can be with accompanied by a smile.
A commercial aspect of this is the Marlboro man , conning you into smoking cigarettes . Or the model that sells beauty product that sometimes destroy you skin over time. Recognize that you are being used at times for no purpose other than to steal a piece of your own happiness.

The ugly truth is something that can also hurt you. Because of your pride or ego it can hurt. Someone perhaps makes fun of your baldness. Yes - we can't deny it is truth - some of us are bald. Why let it cause us pain. We are not all the same. Some are poor through their own choice or by circumstance. It does not have anything to do with happiness . Many persons you may consider wealthy are miserable.
So really , examine your motives. The ugly truth can tear away at you . Accept who you are and learn the art of contentment.

The Beautiful Truth , learn to receive blessings and be thankful for them. You are worthy don't let circumstance or  persons tell you otherwise. You are worthy because of redemption , you are a child of God. Not because of anything you did , by Grace. Free from guilt and shame, move ahead in you spiritual journey - rise !




Arrogance is something that can creep up on us unknowingly. Even the most spiritual persons can be caught up in the web of arrogance. We find this is something also called ego.

Blessings and cursing coming from the same mouth.

When you are under attack by a person with arrogance , don't show hatred. Its something you need to identify quickly. Arrogance often appears by judgement, someone will try to trap you into saying something or twist your words. Often try to make you feel guilt or doubt. They could be a member of a cult or a major religion.

Arrogance will wreck lives , relationships and even cause enough hatred to kill.

It is often disguised under the CLOAK of RELIGION.

Socrates most famous saying was ,  I know , I know nothing.
Here was one of the greatest teachers or all time. He recognized that being bloated with knowledge or
getting a big head could lead to arrogance.

I was with a friend and companion, they were constantly attacking me with questions and challenging my integrity. It seemed after a long session of prayer , this attack came on. It will often happen that those who are nearest to you will be used in arrogance mode.

Arrogance is what causes terrorist to kill, cause relationships to end , families to break up.

Your only defense is humility and truth. Better to avoid a person that is arrogant.
God is only concerned with your happiness and well being , does not tear you down rather lifts you up. So if a person is not contributing to your happiness , they are not of God.

First recognize arrogance from others  and can be found in yourself. The Truth is seven fold described by Isaiah . The Lord , wisdom and understanding, counsel and might, of knowledge and fear - being fear of the Lord. This fear is approaching God with awe and respect. It is also called reverence.



The Bride of Christ

You will often hear the bride of Christ is the church . This is a popular concept and often taught in theology. Although the church has no personality it is a body of believers , who congregate on a regular basis. Many are just there to socialize , some seek spiritual growth. There are those who see this as a place to be fed , so to speak words of encouragement or lessons that get them through the week.

Who is really the bride of Christ , first you have to know Christ and thanks to Jesus who is the Way, the Truth and the Life , we can know Christ. We can raise the spirit within from the dead, and have life.

Then who is the Bride of Christ if not the Church. If there is a bride church which one is it going to be the Catholics, the protestants or which denomination.  Certainly that raises a lot of questions. The leaders of the churches would love to say they are the bride. Thus taking away your own spiritual unity and having control. The Truth is the Christ , the Bride , the entire kingdom are within you!!

Perhaps you will realize Christ is within you. and guess what so is the Bride! The kingdom of God is within you. Let this mind be in you that was also in Christ Jesus.  You will open the threshold of your mind and the bride will come , there will be a new dimension to reality. You will use the entirety of your brain.

 Is a church really just a school of thought. Not a place or a group. When we are dealing with thoughts , we are in the mind realm.

Peace to you,
