Sunday, April 17, 2016

Catholism in a modern world

Identifying yourself is a hard decision to make in the modern world. The term christian can be applied to any of over a thousand sects that identify with Christianity. The term catholic can be used to identify with many sects of adherents to the catholic church. Choosing to identify is a tough decision as we all have the need for spirituality.

I have attended the catholic church many times even though not being identified as catholic. Most of my friends and some relatives identify as catholic. Though I share many of the same religious views concerning Christ and even Mary , I remain without identity. My journey has been quite different and with all respect to others uniqueness. As a stone in time , respecting the beliefs of all persons. Keeping the peace at all costs, so that we can all co-exist without mass destruction.

There are good sides to identifying as it gives the opportunity to socialize with others of similar beliefs and unite in common cause. The main reason for uniting is to fill the greater needs of society. Currently we find there are great needs in the world.

In modern society we see many caught up in virtual games and mobile communications. Perhaps children may skip church to play a video game. Most of the services are filled with older and middle age and lately less children. The catholic schools are struggling to support themselves and there are fewer persons going into the priesthood and becoming nuns. Those we have are mostly elderly and ready to retire.

Will the catholic church survive change?

I will say , yes. There will always be voids and God's spirit will fill them. We also need to learn to adapt to change and bring our best to the table. We have only just begun, it is not the end of the world. Remain positive - in attitude and behavior. Be a catholic , identify if you choose. It is not about catholic or non-catholic it is about filling the void.

