Saturday, December 7, 2013


 We live in a world often which seems like randomness , particles bouncing off one another with no seeming purpose. Then a magnet appears and amazingly everything goes into alignment. What we see conceptually in the physical also happens in the spiritual. There are those that live random lives totally unaware of what is happening around them. 
 To make better use of the energy that is being generated by random particles many scientist have learned how to use magnetism. How to bring that energy into alignment and make it useful. 

 In life energy it is the same principal. Learn to use attraction to bring the random energy around you into alignment. At first you may think and may have heard this , It is what it is. Yes- we are all the product of many thousand of years of evolution and genetics. Probably 50% of what goes on around you may be random. You may have inherited a genetic tendency toward diabetes  or heart disease. That is all a part of the physical reality. Genetics are accountable for many of life's hardships in the physical.
 In the physical there are also other factors such as medicine or therapy that help relieve these inherited traits. We also have meditation and spirituality. We have wisdom which is not inherited and can be obtained. We learn to bring our lives out of the chaos into alignment. 

 Some think spirituality is a placebo and not a real cure for inherited diseases. Actually spirituality can be thought of as the magnet that brings the life force into alignment. 
 In Corinthians we are told God is not the author of confusion. This means exactly what it says there is no hidden message. Randomness or chaos is real and also order and alignment are real. We need to understand the principles of alignment to have a better life. Spirituality is more than just about order, it is about alignment. 
 It is about happiness , your true desires being met. Having order without alignment is like having the law without freedom. Alignment is having a good relationship , by saying good it means one that makes you happy. You should define the things that make you happy and learn to use the spiritual lessons to make it happen. The desires of the heart are important and we often think we have no ability to make any sense of the randomness or chaos. Actually we do ! Learn alignment. 
 Here are three easy steps to alignment and happiness:
Define your goals! The earlier the better and if you are already past your prime that is ok. You have all that past experience to draw from (lessons learned).

Let others know your goals and only compromise if your goals can be achieved! You set your course now sail for it. Yes, there may be storms or waves along the way , still keep focused. Keep an agenda because if you do not  have one , someone will put you in theirs. There are other magnets out there, you just need to keep your's intact.

Experience happiness! Once you realize - you are not just the product of the environment or thousands of years of evolution. You do not give into that 50% the scales will start to tilt in your favor. It only takes 51% then you will start to see that change. The 50/50 chance in life is only bested by alignment. This mean learning spiritual principles , learn to be positive. Learn how to attract those random particles into alignment. Become a magnet and experience happiness. It is not about physical beauty. It is about spiritual beauty. You will find spiritual beauty is charismatic , it is powerful , it is pure happiness. Always retain at least that 51% in your favor- never compromise beyond that for work or play or anything. If God is with me , who can be against. 

Peace and joy,

Thursday, November 28, 2013


I was on a flight last week from Chicago to Philadelphia and sat next to a chemist. We had a fruitful conversation about family and talked the whole flight.

In the office space often what we refer to as office chemistry it is more of a mix of personality and skills. Good chemistry is very important in order to achieve business objectives and overall atmosphere.

What we consider the periodic chart and chemistry was practiced for thousands of years under various names alchemy , medicine and various uses defined a broad science. We have today a life today where food is produced with various combinations of additives and flavor enhancements. Our clothing is no longer 100% cotton, poly substances make up most materials.

Our life is surrounded by vinyls and plastics , liquids and resins, carbon fibers and aluminum. Chemistry is probably the most exciting field today. Though most will get into engineering or accounting or get a phd in medicine before considering this often forgotten field.

The chemist is not as glamorous as a sports figure or politician yet they have more of an effect on society than most. The alchemist was usually thought of as someone that produced magic. Actually chemistry may seem like magic to the untrained. We often see the mad science experiment performed by our wacky high school science teacher. Smoke coming from liquid nitrogen or inhaling helium and making our voices sound like daffy duck.

The fact is we are made up of chemicals water mostly, and probably another dozen or so natural elements. Lately we can add over 200 synthetic elements not natural to the body. Why the great increase in un-natural and synthetic particles? Partly in the way we grow our food with non-orgnic fertilizers and mostly additives too numerous to mention.

The reason this is all so important is the various health conditions that are being uncovered, unfortunately many among our children. Cancers of the colon ,prostate and pancreas are on the rise.
Breast cancer , testicular cancers not to mention lung and facial cancers. Carcinomas were once rare now are common. Are we chemically aware as a society - it seems like we are becoming more chemically aware compared to twenty years ago. Now the packaging has to disclose the ingredients due to allergies etc.

Are we all chemically the same - NO! It is proven some are allergic to some substances and some are prone to diabetic conditions. The basic ingredients are there Yet we are all unique chemically. We may one day discover chemistry is a spiritual reaction also. Where you live, what you eat , what you do for a living all effect your life force. You may be happier living in clean air , drinking clean water. Eating certain foods that may satisfy a chemical balance or avoiding some.

There is more to spirituality than just belief - we need to view our environment and other catalysts to find a pure life style.


Monday, November 25, 2013


What a jazz band in heaven! We often think of angels playing harps and perhaps some flutes or a choir in heaven. However the truth is the preferred music is jazz. All the percussion instruments in perfect harmony and a heavenly beat beyond words. It always made me wonder why the bible mentioned the trumpet and various instruments. 

It may be surprising to note heavenly jazz is real. If you have experienced this amazing music we now know the origin. Heaven- Jazz comes from heaven. 

Jazz up the holidays,

The Chicken and The Egg

We seem to all come back to the question what came first the chicken or the egg?
This question can be answered by a motion picture depicting the egg being laid , the egg hatching growing to a chicken , then another egg laid repeating the cycle over.

We also come into contention with what is called the mobius strip or cylinder in which a continuos surface is twisted in such away connecting back to itself. It is often the symbol used for eternity this twisted loop. Infinitely describing a scenario with no beginning or end.

We can only view one flat surface at any given point in time but actually the strip is two flat surfaces..

This is very much like going back and forth into time. We can only view as much of the surfaces that our memories will allow. What if we were able to tap into the consciousness of all life. We would see all sides of the cylinder front and back. This is very much what it is like living in the spirit. You begin to see everything as a never ending unfolding story. Very similar to how Ende saw it, who wrote the never ending story.

We hear of the saying the ends justify the means, what if there is no end? No means? No chicken?No egg? We would not need justification. We would not even need to hear. We would just exist or not exist - eternal bliss. We would choose to live on the visible or the not visible side of the cylinder. We would see the invisible become reality and reality disappear becoming invisible.

Meditating on this cylinder is something that helps me to understand relationship between realities. Some call us dreamers as it may seem like we are in a trance like state or dream state. It first happened in a classroom to me as a child. We were in a math class , I entered the dream state found myself in band playing cymbals. When the teacher dismissed the class in my hands were a set of cymbals. Not ever remembering where they came from - this was math class.

Driving a  car to the hospice to visit a friend, stopping at a light and slipped into another consciousness. Experienced what seemed liked weeks in a few seconds someone in the car poked me and said Earl are you ok, the light changed to green. It happened time and time again soon realized it would have to be controlled some way. It was like being the real Dr Who.. slipping through time and space. On one particular occasion appeared in a goblin world. It was all too real , actually frightened the goblins along a hillside. I wrote a poem , where the goblins roam.

Not sure what came first the chicken or the egg , one thing sure is that I have lived an incredible life or lives.


Goat or Turkey

I asked a friend of mine from India if he was having turkey for Christmas and he smiled. They are having a goat leg with thigh with special seasoning and barbecue. While it seemed out of the ordinary to me goat is popular in parts of Africa and India.

Many will have chicken or ham foregoing the traditional turkey dinner. In our office we were given an office party choice of tacos or fajitas. No matter what the meal it is a time for thanks and giving. We live in a time when the largest (super) tsunami hit the philippines and hurricane Sandy is still in cleanup almost a year later.

Weather seems to be getting more severe and with the internet and cellular we are more aware of every tragedy. We are connected by social networks twitter and Facebook. Linked In to business associates and old classmates. The new technology cloud can store all of our pictures , videos or presentations and give access to one of several media tools including our cars , our cell phones, tablets or laptops. The mobile revolution is taking place at this very moment. Everything is in motion-- I recently attended an international conference on information technology. The amount of data has grown more in the past two years than all of the previous years combined.

Perhaps we will have  turkey this year if we take the time to prepare the traditional meal or stay in motion. To me it is a time to sit still, turn off the videos and mobile devices. Talk to each other in the often forgotten art of conversation. Turn off the news - talk about family. Whether it is goat or turkey enjoy the time together.

Peace to all.

Monday, October 28, 2013

The Pure Mind

 With all respect to religion and philosophy it would seem that whether random events or predetermined suffering would cause harm to the human condition. Whether genetically coded or through suggestive conditioning. What we call fate or calling matters very little.
  We will abuse the word divine trying to explain what science has yet to uncover or the mystic has yet to reveal. Our imaginations ,our dreams and our aspirations should lead us in one direction. To seek the pure mind. Free of worry or fear or desire. We are lead through mazes of power struggles within the social circles and often cling to survival and comfort. The defining of absolutes or  unknowns can leave us forever in the maze or wilderness. The pure mind is at rest, at peace.


Friday, September 20, 2013

Duality and Non-Duality

When studying the bible you cannot help but notice the switch from a duality to a non-duality posture. In the Abrahamic old testament and into the new testament teachings of Jesus this switch occurs.

In the days of Abraham it was taught we were separated from God , it was always a religion of sin and separation. In the teachings of Jesus - we are brought into a closeness the duality disappears. Jesus says I and the Father are one, we are one. All throughout the life of Jesus we are brought closer and closer to the Father. God becomes our Father who art in heaven, our guide to lead us.

Our salvation is actually the switch from a duality to a non-duality. We become children of light no longer children of darkness. The greatest gift is the Holy Spirit which comforts us and guides us. Many will say the greatest gift is eternal life and they may only be looking toward an afterlife. In the catholic church it is also taught the greatest gift is the Holy Spirit.

Why is the Holy Spirit so important?
The Holy Spirit comforts and guides us spiritually into a relationship with our God. This is the basis of the catholic teaching to bring us out of the dualistic into a non-dualistic experience. Sin and ignorance are no longer the path. The path is of grace and wisdom which brings us into becoming children of light.

In some religions only duality is taught where in the catholic and in the brahmin hindu faith non-dualism is taught. In Sikhism it is strictly a non-dualist approach as we are connected in the soul. The path Jesus taught was definitely non-dualistic , we are united - one with the Father. The Islamic teachings seem to keep us separated in a dualistic form , similar to Judaism. Some believe Abraham simply means not brahmin. When we think of an interfaith platform it needs to be understood the concepts of duality and non-duality are not the same.

We are to experience the Holy Spirit and it is not enough to know Gods name. Jesus said depart from me you workers of iniquity, I never knew you. He made it clear regardless of works done in his name or even miracles, we are to know the spirit within. We are to be one, not separated. Banging your head against a wall or shouting praise openly will not get you close to God. The kingdom of God is within you.

God is spirit, we have to worship God in spirit. When we study thought , divine thought it becomes clear. Our thoughts are not divine thoughts. Actually the brain is a trash bin of all the sensory input and this is normal , nothing to be guilty about. The mind however is to be pure mind and this gets confused with duality. Pure mind and duality are not the same thing. Meditation to me is taking time to read something inspiring or simply relaxing and experiencing these divine thoughts.

Going into a religious frenzy or beating the chest , begging all of this is not worship. The greatest praise is to become like a child and not a beggar. To become a son or daughter - similar to the story of the returning prodigal son- this is the relationship we should seek. How happy the father was when his son returned to be with him.


Monday, September 16, 2013

Alzheimers and halos

We all have known a loved one or relative who experienced Alzheimer's. The symptoms may start out slow and gradually it becomes more noticeable. The person going through this seems to lose their memory of past experience. To me it would be like having your house burn down with all the pictures and moments of a lifetime completely destroyed.

This would be the case except for the halo or aura that surrounds each of us. The mind has another perfect image of our life embedded on that halo. We will all eventually lose our earthly body and the brain will dissolve like all other matter. If we think of the brain as merely an instrument to hold temporary data similar to the computers ram. Think of the halo or aura as the place that holds the permanent image of us. It has been known for eons that this halo exists and it was often portrayed as an angels head dress or that of a saint.

We see it in drawings and sometimes captured in a photograph.

What is the purpose of the halo?

If you have ever had an out of body experience it may be that you have temporarily made a connection with the halo. The halo contains a pure image of the mind outside of the body. It seems that some have such a resonance others can see their halo.

An elderly man once was upset that his wife had Alzheimer's. He thought she would not remember him in heaven and she seemed quite angry toward the end. The wife he grew to love and cherish actually became very playful and full of joy in the spirit before passing. Alzheimer is a disease of the brain and has no effect on the halo. The halo holds the pure mind and also can be used to communicate. In buddhism there is a place called the pure land outside of the body. My experience is it has something to do with this halo which surrounds us. The beauty of life is not lost in the last moments and is captured throughout.

When being in the presence of the holy spirit at first we may feel inadequate or filthy. Then we are touched and cleansed feeling the joy immediately returns to us. We are comforted by this loving presence throughout our lives and it is not taken away because of our weakness. Grace is something the christian experiences during weakness, it is this amazing grace that separates the christian experience from any other.

If you have suffered the pain of a loved one with Alzheimer's it would be good to know that their pure mind is still intact.

Peace and joy,

Sunday, September 15, 2013


Why is it important to understand fog? Many will reach a point where they seem to be in a fog neither progressing or regressing. 

This happens to all spiritual travelers and is very common. 

Liken this to driving your car in the fog. Have patience and maintain your speed. Keep your light on for others to see. Below the fog is a beautiful valley and above the fog is a wonderful view from the mountaintop.

In James chapter 4 it explains that life is like the morning fog. Here today and gone tomorrow. We also are reminded here of patience and waiting for the fog to lift. We are reminded that anxiety is often a result of our sight. The fog is always temporary and to realize that can make a difference in how we react. You will find out that the most successful people in business are able to hold on to their positions without regard to circumstance. Faith is about making decisions based on goals and determination not sight.

Being September - thought of the song september morn. One of the lyrics is we traveled halfway around the world to find ourselves. Perhaps fog is a temporary illusion in which we find ourselves.


Sunday, September 1, 2013

the Rooster

We are reminded that in conscience before passing into death all debt should be paid. Even Socrates one of the greatest thinkers of all time reminded a friend to pay back a rooster that he had borrowed. It may have seemed like such a trivial thing - a rooster. Socrates also had many opportunities to flee - Yet he stood his ground in court and faced death as a philosopher that was not about to retreat. His most famous saying, " I know, I know nothing". That is realization in its finest.

In many religions karma is sort of a debt that is collected over lifetimes and need to be resolved. As a christian we believe this debt is impossible to pay and therefore Christ paid it for us. Do we use this as an excuse to disobey God. I found that 85% of the persons in prison claim christianity as their religion. That is a staggering number compared to most religions. You will find the next largest number is muslims , then native indians and jews - so religion does not seem to keep people out of prison. The lowest number very minute are actually Sikh and hindu. Of the highest number most are catholic then closely followed by protestant.

Is this a direct correlaton to the number of the population -No! Then why the large number of christians, muslims and jews  in the prison system. Perhaps they are not fully practicing their religion, on the contrary most come from a very religious background. They all believe in repenting for sin as an atonement and that they are forgiven and owe no debt.

My contention is that we should always be willing to pay back the rooster and do the right action regardless of religious teachings. If you borrow money- pay it back , religion does not give you the right to steal. This is a misconception held by many of those in prison, they have weakened their conscience. We are not given the right to kill and steal as chosen people. We need to live lives above reproach and within the law. When we see ,so called, religious beings committing violence in the name of God , it is even worse.

Is it because the Sikh are not really religious , they are spiritual. The hindu is not religious but spiritual, if you look closely, they are more serious about experience and practice. It also is true with the orthodox christians who are more concerned with spirituality and practice. There are some others within christianity that also have a believe in spiritual experience and practice. These are all in the smallest percent of prison population , there is a direct reflection of this in statistics. By their fruit you shall know them.

We need to achieve awareness to get closer to God , it is not just a matter of appeasing conscience.


Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Recently I developed an interest in scriptural studies. For some reason I felt the need to study the Septuagint and the Apocryphal books used by some. Actually there were several greek versions of the bible and many did not survive the ages. In all 600 books were presented and only one tenth were put into the modern bible. Some are referred to as canon and other deuterocanonical depending on the conference in which they were approved. So, I spent some time reading the stories and trying to see if the book of wisdom and others actually contained divine wisdom. It appears in the old testament other books are mentioned in Numbers 23 the book of the War of Lords and found a few others.

What does all this mean will I be given extra credit for reading all the books possibly related to the christian world - probably not. Leave no stone unturned is usually the incentive. Actually my favorite book is you. I love people even more than any biblical book. In all my studies never put a book before a person. Jesus never wrote a book, buddha never wrote a book, Muhammad was said to have written the Quran even though he himself was illiterate - this in itself would be a miracle. Actually hindu scriptures were attributed to gurus - enlightened holy men. The scriptures written by the the various gurus used by the Sikhs are considered to be a guru , the final guru in a series of guru. I have read about two thirds of the Guru Granth Sahib which is very inspiring. To be honest it is very poetic and could be used for quiet meditation effectively.

We take great pride in our scriptures because they are the religious guidelines. Yet - many will not read the others books. If you are truly a student , it seems you will read every book produced by gurus or apostles or by men of wisdom such as Solomon, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle or saints. Even more important there is a common thread of universal truth in most inspirational books. Read your books but never put a book before a person, they are much more wonderful it seems. If you get a chance hold a newborn baby , it can make us tremble in amazement. The most memorable times in my life were holding my children and grandchildren in the moments following birth.


Monday, August 26, 2013


 While exploring other religions there is a possibility of hitting a pothole. You may realize your own religion is bringing you into a stale personal relationship with your inner being. This is not good, Luke 17:22 Jesus said' the kingdom of God is within you'.  This almost sounds like something the buddha would say , in fact many of the sayings of Jesus are found in other religions. Wisdom of the ages can be found in all religions , including christianity.

Consider the universal principal of the Golden Rule;
Buddha: Consider others as yourself
Jesus: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.  Love thy neighbor as thyself.
Mohammed:  Hurt no one so that no one may hurt you That which you want for yourself, seek for mankind.
The Talmud:  What is hurtful to yourself do not to your fellow man.  That is the whole of the Torah and the remainder is but commentary.
Egyptian Late Period Papyrus:  That which you hate to be done to you, do not do to another.
Epicurus: Neither harm nor be harmed.
Confucius: Never impose on others what you would not choose for yourself.

And what about Love your enemy it also appears in every religion as a universal principle.

We find there are many of these universal truths that are at the top of everyones list.

So why are people changing churches and some even switching religions?
Because  they can.... Freedom of religion allows us to be whoever we want in this country, we are not forced into a state religion. To me this is a good thing , it keeps everyone on their toes. You cannot get away with indifference or prejudice as in the past. People are realizing there are other choices and becoming braver to make that change.

Honestly I feel at home in a catholic church or a lutheran church. In a baptist or a methodist church or independent church. Do not involve myself in the dogma and reach out spiritually. It to me is a matter of choice but you should not ever act indifferent toward another christian. It seems this spirit of indifference is driving some to other religions, a pothole. 

In spirituality we search for wisdom. to me that is God's will - to obtain wisdom. There are many that leave other religions because of the same reason- indifference. Indifference is to me like a pothole , it means you do not love your neighbor , or your enemy and rather show them indifference. You may not even love the members of another church with the same lettering. I have seen this a lot. 

We need to hold onto all universal truths first , and then settle your dogma or minor disputes outside. It is important that we realize that we are all created in the image of the divine regardless of beliefs. We are all different in faith and character but of the same creator. If you do not believe in a creator , we are of the same fabric. 

To some science and philosophy is enough , some like to have both science and spirituality. I personally am this way. My mind and I get along very well. The most important thing is to be content with your own mind before you can help others. Getting along in this life is important, avoid potholes , if you are content in your beliefs , build upon them. I built this house with Jesus as the cornerstone, and somewhere in that foundation is my own mind. We find it is very much like building a house.


Monday, August 19, 2013

Walking on Water

This is definitely dealing in the area of neither possibility or probability. Though it would seem to me mind over matter is miraculous if not impossible the bible states that for Jesus it was a possibility. This is just a few of the suggestive ideas that had been rejected by the reasonable or current thinkers. Though Martin Luther stated faith is without reason, this means we are to go beyond the probable and the possible to grasp faith. This was at first hard for me to grasp, it seemed to be somewhat suggestive. Then it appears that Peter also followed this feat and began to walk then lost his faith and fell into the water. Not sure why Jesus did this miraculous feat, it would have satisfied me to have his wisdom only.

It was Thomas Jefferson that removed all the things that were beyond reason from his bible. Now I am a believer in Christ had many experiences that may seem miraculous to some but do not call them miracles. I cannot fault Thomas Jefferson for writing his own version, wanting to hold onto the Christ he had come to know and love but not willing to give up all reason. He was expected to lead a new nation based upon sound decisions using all the reasonable powers at his disposal.

Then we have the story of the hindu guru that charged over 100 USD to watch him walk on water. He showed up with many of his followers and after the first step kirplunk, splash. Angrily he shook his fist at the crowd shouting one of you is an unbeliever!

We also see in certain buddhist and other religious writings long before Jesus time these claims were made of holy men performing the supernatural. We also see that Jesus warned of those that performed miracles in his name. So even Jesus downplayed the significance of the miracles. He taught it more important that we obeyed and did God's will than perform miracles.

We are on a path of wisdom not a path of miracles but for the argument...

Because though our brains are taught to believe with reason , using the probability and less likely possibility. We are forgetting the words of Martin Luther faith is without reason, and we are also forgetting the words of Habakkuk who said, " The just shall live by faith". So we are told to live in the world and not be of the world. As children of light this world becomes an illusion a dream and true reality awaits us or we can experience a glimpse of it in the miracle.

The whole purpose of the miracle is to unshackle the reasonable brain, to take us into another domain of possibilities. There are some willing to accept them and others who just will not go beyond reason. Some things we are told to just accept by faith and the truth will follow. In the world in which some  live reason precedes the truth, this is a logical precept. However to be aware of the ethereal , reason cannot perceive it. Light we are told precedes truth and we should become children of light.

To me reasonable thought is just current thought , but things that were never thought possible have become possible and even probable. So imagination leads to new ideas and creativity, it has been already proven.

The man who invented quantum physics, Max Planck  now a recognized science also said ' light precedes truth'. He also said that light becomes the truth when the opponents of it die out and a new generation is born. It will be without question that there will be a generation born that will someday think of walking on water as being possible. The same as our generation looked at flight and breaking the sound barrier, going to the moon, creating a cell phone that can access huge warehouses of information and sending pictures back and forth. Someday , that generation,  will look back and say , he did walk on water!


Saturday, August 17, 2013


We see the picture of the person walking in the sand , the gentle wave crosses over the footprints erasing them. We see the walk in hollywood were footprints are made to be permanent in the sidewalk. We see halls of fame where famous sports figures are recorded. Yes- I have even seen the cast footprint of Albert Einstein - a childhood friends father owned a shoe store in Princeton and this was a favorite item they liked to show guests.

A persons footprint does not have to be cast in stone for others to know they were there. To some fame is important , a sign of success that sometimes money can buy. Yet we see in the story of Mahatmas that very little was left behind , perhaps a few articles sandals , glasses and maybe a watch. In America fame and fortune is viewed as success, in other cultures royalty and subjection to royalty. Some cultures  success is having children as many as possible. 

In Truth success has a perfect relationship with the footprint that we want to leave behind. In studying the cultures that are based on religion, political and providence. We discover this is America , from the founding fathers till now , we see a constant struggle for power and fame. We even elevate those that have achieved this kind of success. We have a love relationship with them , this include passion, jealousy and other feelings. We the people, by the people and for the people really means certain people. If you belong to as many fraternities and churches as possible your chances for this kind of success improve greatly in America. This is what a democracy is about -people. 

What is the spiritual life about? Is it about influencing people or becoming powerful? You will find it is not. We find that our footprint is more like the person that walked upon the beach whose footprints were erased by the sand. This type of life seems so meaningless though- from the aspect of the average american, it is probably something you would regard more in India or Africa or a  more spiritually historic place. It is true! The spiritual communities are often destroyed by the religious , those who seek power and providence. As in the case of the american indian , the australian aboriginal, the canadian aboriginals - many of these were a spiritual people. They were saved by religion according to the salesman of providence. Now we are discovering they had a deeply rich heritage and are trying to understand some of the writings left behind. If you take the time to read some of the american indian poetry it is a taste of this rich heritage. Often reflect on the writings of the Lakota and Cherokee tribes as they leave me with a sense of balance and peace.

The footprint of the moccasin has a lot of character, as does the footprint of the sandal. The moccasin was often worn for comfort and the stealth it provided in hunting. The sandal is often the choice of a philosopher or man of knowledge. The boot was often worn by those more aggressive in society , kick ass is a popular american term.

Actually the first boots were found in the use by the american indians over 8000 years old. The moccasin came later as it was discovered they were more comfortable for average wear, so the evolution of footwear has regressed. Indians learned to soften the hide and produce this remarkable footwear over time. The buddha left his shoes behind for the more comfortable sandal.

You may wear whatever you choose and certainly you will judge your own success by the footprint left behind in this world. 


Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Mondo della luna

The opera by Joseph Haydn is a story about a venice man who liked to entertain with his own private observatory and a telescope pointed at the moon. He would tell his guests he could see the people on the moon carrying out mischief and had everyone convinced he was an astronomer.

Actually he had no training in astronomy and no idea what he was looking at. Sometimes the telescope was pointed into the sky with nothing in view. He would answer his guest that his telescope was so powerful that it could see right through the houses on the moon.

We appear to be so emaciated at times to belief just about anything , a man can set up a church, hold a service and claim to observe the heavens. It may all appear real and the trimmings all seem right , the guests are delighted.

Who am I to judge ones intentions , are they playing church and just having a delightful time. The whole scenario of the opera Mondo Della Luna, looking at the moon, believing whatever, that it must be real because we are in an observatory with a real telescope.

The findings are the same without the trained astronomer how can one see the moon and have it explained. People on the moon in houses - really? I do not think so , especially since men have already stepped on the moon and returned. Of course some are told this never happened , what an opera that religion can be. At least play along with science and change the story , you can still play the same music. This has been the way for ages science and religion. A Venice opera.

Actually people were more entertained by the bogus astronomer and that all had a great time. It seems that is what people want , they return from church and say wasn't the music wonderful, did you hear the choir? fantastic. Now they have copied the popular rock music to appease the young minds, they have video screens to view, just like TV. They roll out the sacraments like it is just another part of playing church, very seldom saying the sacramental prayers or convey the incense.

Everyone has their method of religion , but at least do not copy the rock bands and give in to entertaining. We are not there to entertain but yes - if someone has an opera voice - enjoy, it may even bring a tear to your eye that God had gifted someone with such a voice. The more the capacity is for emotion the greater the emotional experience one will seek. The greater the spiritual capacity one has, the greater the spiritual experience. This is what the people want an experience, but to me the quiet radiates its own music, a celestial opus. Not that I am against a full symphony orchestra with an opera voice if you can arrange it - that sounds wonderful. What is important is that the message be pointed in the right direction.

The relationship with God is a spiritual one, there is also a spatial significance. Spatial is our sense of direction, the telescope example is relative to the spatial relationship. If we meet together for  spiritual service and do not have this spatial relationship it was just entertainment or a social meeting. In the human brain the frontal lobe contains our capacity for spirituality and next to that is the spatial or our sense of direction or where we are. It is not by co-incidence that the design is this way.

We are there to maintain a focus on God, however it be in worship or the message. If we have spirituality without focus it is unlikely we will actually have a ethereal experience. My hope is that we understand spirituality without focus is like the Venice opera.


Saturday, August 10, 2013



We are driving in the car or on a bus and hear a noise. Because we know it is a mechanical failure usually when a noise occurs, it may bring concern or distress. There is however a growing attitude that is to wait till it breaks. We see more and more people ignoring the noise , they do not pull over at the next service station or peak under the hood to see if it is minor or major - they simply do not care.

Then they hear a hungry child or one that is in danger, it is the same attitude - not caring. They long for the quiet and complain when there is noise, but never check it out.

Noise is a symptom of a failure or success, we just cannot ignore it. The cost to repair or the danger to yourself and others will be far greater if not repaired sooner. My dog will bark sometimes and we check it out - usually it means a stranger is about and sometimes it is merely a rabbit. When we hear a child who is engrossed in play a quiet man - it means he is learning and intent. When we hear one that is yelling or making a lot of noise it means they have nothing to fulfill their attention we call it a disorder or a deficit.

Jesus said to us let them who have ears let them hear! He wants us to hear the noise not ignore it and to do something about it.Some will say he was referring to the gospel but the gospels were not written until over a hundred years later. He wanted us to hear the hungry , the needy and also the wisdom - all these are important. Jesus also said to see in the same sentence. If we see a person doing harm to another intervene. Jesus saw Mary Magdalene being stoned for being a prostitute, he intervened on her behalf. He who is without sin throw the first stone. The noise of the crowd drew him toward the situation.

Some will say you are being nosey and mind your own business. It happened to me once , I was staying in a hotel and the room next door was very noisy, a girl was crying, a man was threatening. It was near New York City and could not afford an expensive room was waiting for parts to be delivered to repair some machinery. I knocked on the door and asked if anyone needed help. An angry man answered the door , he had just beaten his wife, she was crying. He told me to mind my own business. I told him right now my business was getting some sleep and he was interfering with it. Now I am not a small person and not that handsome - though normally quiet and peaceful have had my share of wars and battles.

The man knew I meant business and quieted down. To my surprise the next day he actually thanked me for being concerned and said he had a problem with anger, even the wife was grateful and we all had a good nights rest. We ended up just talking and departed in peace and smiles. Perhaps they made up - do not know what transpired , perhaps they just needed to be aware of their hurt. Yes- he could have had a gun and shot me - it was that kind of neighborhood. It also could have been disastrous for the wife if it continued. It is not for me to judge the man but the situation - the noise sent a signal.

We sometimes need to come out of the quiet and pay attention to the noise.


Friday, August 9, 2013

Where is Waldo?

There was an interesting puzzle that was popular years ago, it was called "where is Waldo?" Of course you were given an image of hundreds of scenes and people and tried to find the character Waldo in his crazy hat and scarf.

We hear about out of body experiences and this thing called science. It was something that was explored and interestingly discovered something. The puzzle is not where is Waldo , it is where is your mind.

Where is your mind?

You have a body, mind and spirit supposedly in theory and it seems to be that sometimes people have out of body experiences , it actually happened to me several times. Not intentionally it just happened. It was not until after many years it was realized that something else was happening. It was not losing the mind , or going out of the body but actually finding the mind.

The mind was not in the body, it was this realization that helped me to understand the relationship of the mind to the body and eventually the spirit. The senses - the eyes are like fibre optic transmissions that pass light waves to the brain to form images, the ears are like sonar that pass sound, the smell aromatic sequences of chemistry, the touch warmth and cold and taste the delicate texture of nourishment or deserts. All of these sensory's input to the brain which interprets it to an image , a word, a healthy organism or chemistry, a source of nourishment -food.

After being processed in the brain in series of thoughts or data transmissions it is determined what is good , what is truth or reality is then passed to the mind. The mystery is where is the mind? Where is Waldo? The out of body experience is not losing the mind but finding the mind, it is out of the body. The brain is a processor the mind is the reality or truth, the truth is not of the body. So we technically exist ,at least our minds do, somewhere else.

Perhaps , someday if not already you will have this realization. While in my experience found that there were some disconnected from their minds, some had bodies - some spiritual entities. My theory is that our minds exist outside the body. We somehow sort through the garbage and chatter and pass on any discerned truth. As we have miraculous bodies , the mind is also very amazing. Where some put the brain in the mind category ,  the brain is with the body. The mind is part of the spirit not the body- at least this was my realization.

We may feel at times we are floating out of the body but it is actually toward the mind. Here is where the spiritual realm seems to be also.This is all that may be shared as to not spoil your experiences.


Sunday, August 4, 2013


The policy of indifference shown by some religious orders to me is an offense to christ. While visiting hospitals or hospice it seems some priests will only pray for the catholic persons. I have held the funeral services for many catholics in slums even soliciting funds to pay for the burials, always keeping to the catholic prayers to honor their faith. Have done the same for jewish persons  honoring their prayers usually the 23rd psalm because a rabbi or priest may not be available or want to bother with a destitute we bury them in a wooden coffin. Even holding the hand of a hindu praying with them for healing. Did christ show indifference ? Did Peter ? Did Paul?  Does not God even care for the sparrow and all of creation?

At least once a week pray for persons of diverse faiths with no respect to color or orientation. This is why understanding divine will is important. Holiness is a combination of love and wisdom not a sectarian idea. Our Father who art in heaven , hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

When it was said, do not cast your pearls before the swine , it means those who refuse divine love not those who are not a member of your circle. Now I have seen some priests and rabbis that do evangelical work and reach out to other faiths, this is true love, but it does go against the policy of indifference.

When does a person or group decide who is under divine providence or general providence? These are questions that need to be answered , they are of the utmost disgrace. Often attend catholic services and even join with the various charities in helping the poor as a joint effort. My calling is to all of humanity not to a select group. This policy of indifference has hurt certain religious groups and not promoted love, peace and good will to man.

Jesus said suffer not the little children , yet some will not even hold an un baptized child because of this inbred policy of indifference. Then we ask why there is not peace in the world! Because you preach love but show indifference! Divine love knows no boundaries, it needs only to be accepted. To reject someone who is willing to accept divine love merely on their membership status is a disgrace!

I do not believe Mother Teresa checked to see if persons were of a certain affiliation to provide them with prayer, nor did many of the proclaimed saints to my knowledge.


Saturday, August 3, 2013

Beers and Bears

The Beer-
This may sound odd but recently have encountered both just last week. My father-in-law who is a dear old soul needed a ride to the hospital and a companion for some testing. It was a trying time for him and fortunately everything turned out ok for now. He was insistent at stopping at the bar after the test for a relaxing beer. Normally this is not a place for me to stop, but it was his day and he wanted to stop at this pub ( for a beer). We stopped and sat at the bar ordered up two beers. Everyone was friendly and I felt very guilty not for the beer but being judgmental. It dawned on me that these friends of my father-in-law met everyday and discussed their problems , shared in their sorrows not much different than being at a church social. By the way beer is perfectly acceptable in catholic and lutheran practice.

 It was like being the only person with their clothes on at a nude beach, this happened to me once on a bike hike waking up to discover being at a nudist beach. Things like this happen in life - who are we to judge? Once I was invited to a neighbors house for dinner and he peaked his head out asking me to come in. I went in and discovered everyone was nude, this was in Florida. It was quite a different experience everyone was eating dinner and enjoying each others company , they were not lewd just nude. This may sound extreme but it was only me that was embarrassed - keeping on my clothes but did take off my shoes. On some of the islands in the Pacific it is normal to not wear tops , even for the woman.

 To me each situation we find ourselves is to be handled with wisdom and love not judgement. Yes- it is not a perfect world we live in and some have a different idea of perfection than we do. To my father-in-law it is a perfect beer with the right temperature and glass, this was also a favorite of Martin Luther. To me it is just sitting on the back porch admiring the birds and reading a book. We are all unique.

 My father-in-law being irish catholic was in his normal surroundings in a local pub with friends and neighbors. He also prayed three times a day the Lords Prayer and attended mass at least once a week.
Is it wrong for me to judge others even though they may enjoy beer or be nudists. I really do not know!
I was the one who felt the shame and guilt for being judgmental. Does the spirit make allowances for such situations? 

I remember the story of Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden , they were as we are told nude. As they ate from a certain tree they became embarrassed and used the leaves to cover themselves. When at first they were perfectly fine , then they were judgmental after gaining this knowledge from the fruit they had eaten  (forbidden fruit). Is guilt really self imposed by the knowledge of a standard or norm perhaps it is not really the act. 

When a young minister often went to various churches of different standards or norms. I remember one particular church where it was considered unholy to wear jewelry. We had to remove our watches and necklaces , another church it was unholy to wear a tie - removed the tie. Then again another place it was casual but still another formal. Judgement is rampant in the christian community - we find that has nothing to do with love, with joy, with peace. 

Not sure what Adam and Eve found in the fruit that made us so judgmental, but it eventually got them kicked out of the garden. Perhaps we should not rely on knowledge so much and rely on wisdom. Is it better to lose a soul over a watch or necklace, than just preach the true message of love. Not saying we should all put on the love beads and sit naked like in the sixties but we also need to be real and learn to love each other beyond the attire.

The Bear -
I remember waking up to my own father finding the back of his pickup ripped off last week. Yes- he was planning on taking out the garbage but the bear got to it first. He was actually in tears over this because of being elderly and he was one to keep his truck immaculate as possible. Having mixed feelings first calmed down dad then proceeded to clean up the mess. Went to the hardware store and replaced the bolts and rivets with new ones. It took the better part of a day but it was as good as new if not better. 
Sometimes we can feel the pain before the bee stings, or the drama. Life is sometimes full of bears but we also need to make sure we clean the trash out before they show up. We cannot think of everything but we can face the situation with less drama. I told my dad it was easily fixed and not to despair. My house was once demolished by a tornado and we lived through it. The tornado story did not work but a trip to the hardware store made him feel better.

Peace and Joy

Thursday, August 1, 2013


One of the most important thoughts that recently came to mind driving from the shore to my mountain home. All along the way I saw the beauty of the scenery but it also made me think upon the others distractions - traffic. In life there are ways to view things , we hear of the Clint Eastwood movie the Good , the Bad  and the Ugly. Actually in life it is the Beauty, the Good , the Bad and the Ugly.

Some look for the good in everything , some look for the bad - optimist and pessimist. Some even look for the ugly - they are downright mean. Then there are the few that like in the song - everything is beautiful in its own way - look for beauty. They usually are not bothered by life and maintain a smile.

They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder actually it is also in the heart or attitude. My grandmother was this type of person , diabetic and blind she always had a smile. Her name was Rose and even when the children were into mischief she would laugh with joy. She had very little and was the mother of twelve. Probably one of the most wonderful persons in my life and the lives of others.

Is it enough to say all is good, in dharma we seek refuge in the good. We also need to be artistic and creative and that comes from the beauty within. Solomon was one of the wisest men of his time and he often spoke of beauty.

A favorite song is everything is beautiful , in its own way by Ray Stevens.

We can go through life looking for the good , the bad or the ugly but how about looking for the beauty.


The Pentecost

We read of the day of pentecost where many diverse tongues were spoken and this was seen as a sign from God. Myself occasionally speak in tongues in prayer, and yes I am a mystic. Perhaps many desire this mystical experience it often brings on revivals at churches, even the catholics are seeking the experience but they call it charismatic. Some say it is of God others the devil. Others a gift or sign of the holy spirit. Even the apostles thought it was some sort of sign. On the day of pentecost this sign was witnessed by many.

What is pentecost, whole divisions of christians were formed from this phenomenon?
Some say if you do not speak in tongues you do not have the holy spirit but what is this gift?

After being a tongue speaker for over 40 years , and experiencing many emotional and displays of worship. Here is my answer.

Alone on a deserted island with no clergy or church, I first started to speak in tongues. Did not know what this was nor was there anyone to ask. Living on cocoanuts and honey for a year praying often and in these tongues. Were they to be a witness to others - NO. I was alone on a deserted island. Were they mystical? Yes -- my brain had somehow shut down the neurological center that produced speech. It was bypassed and all the mind was concentrated in prayer

In my case it was not a sign but more of a gift. Eventually my mind would shut down other areas of the brain , now I did have water caught in rain barrels so it was not lack of thirst. Eventually my mind would shut down entirely producing a trance like state and had out of body experiences. Now I do not think this was supernatural. It was merely a reaction of the brain as it was created. Just as in the case of healing the body is created to react to certain stimulus.

So every year the churches celebrate the day of pentecost , we see it as a divine mystery. Yet - is it a mystery or a gift - is it a function of the mind. 

In my being with the elderly near death often hear them speak unintelligibly , especially just before death. Did their brains became partially claimed by death. What about their other sensibilities ? They often act child like even those that may have held high degrees in science or education. We claim levels of consciousness or mystery when actually the mind is the mystery. Let this mind be in you that was also in Christ. We are to have the mind of Christ, which is a sound mind, a perfect mind.

So how does the pentecostal speak in tongues? In my experience it is a spiritual gift of the mind.
So how do some leave their bodies? In my experience it is a gift of the mind and body relaxation.
So how do some have visions? The mind.

Is this dangerous to the person? Most feel peaceful afterwards. 
Is it sane? It is actually very natural to release the mind.
Can anyone do this? In my case it was not taught but realized.
In religious circles we are told these gifts are for ministry and to promote the gospel of Christ.
Jesus never wrote a book, he told us to love, forgive and about grace and truth, these are spiritual ways. He also revealed the Father to some. The gospel we are speaking of does it teach grace and truth, then go for it.

Does this have a religious meaning. NO, it is a spiritual practice (the holy spirit). Many Catholics, Lutherans, Baptist and almost every denomination have had this experience. We see it is central to the pentecostal faith and is practiced during normal services. They call this the moving of the spirit, in catholic services it is usually only during charismatic meet ups this is practiced. Some believe that this was limited to the day of pentecost, however Paul explains he spoke in tongues regularly.

Why do I atribute this to the mind rather than the spirit, actually it is releasing the mind to the spirit. As in healing releasing the body to the spirit. The body , the mind and the spirit work together in life. When either is in disparity it effects the other parts. It does not mean a handicapped person is not spiritual , actually the spirit is usually heightened to overcome this handicap, similar to a person that is blind usually has a higher sense of hearing and touch.


Darkness and Light

We have through time feared the night , the creatures of the night that were nocturnal were considered an abomination by the jews, They included the eagle, the falcon, the owl, seagulls and  bats just to name a few. WHY?

The moon was also associated with bizarre creatures such as werewolves and vampires. The moon was the simeon brother of the sun. Like it had a dark side and could not be trusted. Night predators and wandering mice. The larger cats the lions , the tigers all like to prey at night. WHY?

The night seemed to be a time of fear , dreams came at night. We often see shadows and death associated with the night. Why was it created ?

Perhaps the dark side of the moon is only a place on the other side of a sphere, perhaps a cave is just another place. Perhaps we have been wrong to place the eagle , the owl and the falcon in an abomination  category because of the screeching sounds they make to drive out small rodents and other such prey. But religion has categorized them because of this lack of understanding, because of fear.

I have always admired the eagle, the falcon and the owl does that make me an abomination. It seems that religion and lack of the understanding of nature can take a wrong turn. What about the nature of men if religion cannot properly discern animals. Is it any better with understanding men and women?

My conclusion throughout studying the throwing of dice in determining religious intention. The study of religion versus lack of basic understanding of nature has brought me to state anything that is not understood is an abomination.

Knowledge + Understanding = Wisdom. Superstition and lack of understanding is a religious characteristic. Many were burned at the stake for the production of common aspirin to relieve a headache or other herbal medicines.

Gays and Lesbians were at first persecuted until their numbers grew and many came out of  the closet, in fact many were priests and nuns. Does that mean they were ever evil or unnatural. Yes- they will not produce or evolve the human species physically but what about spiritually. Many will contribute to the cause of wisdom and over time many have been involved with charity and kindness.


What is the path of light , we are often told it goes with truth. I am the way , the truth and the light. Did Jesus ever write a book? No. If he had the book itself would be glorified. Did Jesus ever place himself above others? No. He said even greater things we should do. Did he teach to both the young and the old , suffer not the little children to come unto me.

I have just given a christian example but what about the hindu and the buddhist, the Islamic and the Sikhs. There is light in every spiritual path. Unfortunately the religions fight amongst each other to who has the best light. It is usually recorded in a book and the book becomes the glory not our Father or creator.

It amuses me that religion has lasted this long , but we can see the power rings that form under the name of providence. God is spirit. I find a mix of the spiritual with the religious in most of these books and it is so cleverly disguised. That is why I love the aboriginal studies where story telling was the main method of conveyance, it is also the method Jesus used.

The awareness we gain through spirituality is to be not afraid of the darkness. An american indian bonds with the eagle and understands its need for food, often wore the feathers. The original people of Hawaii held the owl as sacred - especially the white owl, understanding their majestic form. Many ancient people respected the cycles of the moon as it controlled the tides - later proven by science. More and more we are finding the herbs to be of use that were once tabu. Myself eat dandelions and benefit from the calming and physical benefits. They have replaced over the counter medicines and save a lot of pain.

Light is truth , darkness is lack of understanding, both are created and good.


Saturday, July 27, 2013

Onion and Opinion

The Onion

We often here about peeling the onion as a description of developing character. It is a process of taking each layer sometimes tearfully until we reach a place in our spiritual life that is peaceful. We sometimes forget that the goal is inner peace.
 After peeling the onion we need to find wisdom to replace all the harm that our desires or selfishness left behind. More times than ever we do not find a main course for supper. We go back to the onion and it just gives us bad breath.

The Opinion

 When we offer an opinion that is not spiritual it can be harmful to relationships. Sometimes even offering any opinion can be taken wrong by religious persons. We hear it is wise to keep our opinions to ourselves. Sometimes an opinion can separate us it very seldom welcome. An opinion should be tried by fire or thought about carefully. Especially when you have a higher place in society. Sometimes it is wiser and a better choice to just remain silent. Silence is golden if it keeps the peace , especially inner peace.
 Once I wanted to make a comment on a news network and thought why? Does it offer food is it wisdom or is it just a part of the onion. If we are just sharing the onion we peeled away it is not a very good opinion. If it is good food for thought then perhaps it is worthwhile sharing.
Another often used saying if you do not want my opinion do not ask for it. Because sometimes the truth is not accepted in the light it was given. Giving pearls to the swine is spoken about in the bible. It is talking about offer pearls of wisdom to someone who would not benefit. Not everyone is seeking wisdom and is appreciative of sharing it.

 Words of wisdom, never share your onions. If you have faults keep them to yourself someone may serve them back to you at a later  time. Let your opinions not be onions.


Tuesday, July 23, 2013


Imagination can sometimes inspire us as it can be a creative force. We are told about dreamers and visionaries and many we have seen in our time. These are the people that solve problems , the people that bring social issues to the forefront. We hear the I have got a dream, we hear the ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country. Many inspiring words of Gandhi who led nations to freedom. Where did this imagination begin? It took something from their faith to inspire them. Martin Luther King was a baptist, John F Kennedy a catholic, and Gandhi a hindu. These men had the faith to bring about change. This started as a thought perhaps it was a divine thought.

Vain Imagination is something we are warned about as it becomes counter productive. Vanity is something we can easily fall into when we think we know it all. It is the force of ego that says there is no God. We start to go down this path when technology seems to become dominant. Look what we have built , it kind of reminds me of the tower of babel. We seem to feel at times that man is the highest intelligence in the universe , after all we did go to the moon. I will be honest my faith is not always perfect, at times weak and others strong. That is when we need to rely on our notes , just like any other student.

I encourage everyone to write down their thoughts , whether it be a song or poem. Whether it be an idea or just a good memory. Imagination is a valuable asset to mankind and can change a situation whether it be social or just a handy invention.

I encourage everyone to also go to the source of the imagination to find if it is something that may be divine thought. Perhaps the source was vanity, something that was created by our ego. There are many who will never admit there is a divine source, a higher intellect. It will always be the scientific solution or the philosophical but never a divine. We all are in fact students even if we have phd and have been teachers or professors.

Use the imagination but always remember we are students, a good student takes notes and gives credit to the source.

Praise God.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

The Fountain and the Well

In an earlier post we spoke about- How many times we need to go to the cross?

Answer: Just once.  Deciding to live for christ , to be a follower of Jesus is believing in the forgiveness. It is accepting that Jesus is the way , the truth and the life. Believing he alone is the way to salvation. This is the first step to salvation.

We also spoke about how many times do we need to go to the well?

Answer: Many - We are each unique and the well is a place of communion. It is also a place of refreshment and living water. We find it is also a place of cleansing. We find God sent the holy spirit to comfort us. Personally have found that Jesus often gives us drink at the well. The well was often a place people came not just to drink but socialize. Perhaps this can be a gathering place also with other christians. Prayer and meditation take place here.

What is the fountain?
The Fountain - It seems that living water is overflowing, we become like a fountain in our own lives. Wanting to share with others. Water in motion is faith. The mystery of any belief system is water in motion. We are filled with joy and love it needs to be shared - the fountain. The fountain can produce great change in our personal lives. It also seems to shower upon those around us.
 In spiritual teaching we find living water or water in motion is a passing of blessing to others. If a pool becomes stagnant we will find the presence of the spirit not as active. We are encouraged to share our blessings - as freely you received , freely give.


Saturday, July 6, 2013


There are basically (2) types of providence one is a general typography and the other divine.

General providence is conferred to animals , pets and the like. It is also surprisingly thought to be conferred unto certain human populations. Tribal and slave nations were typically categorized in the general providence. Some larger scale religions teach that their members are in divine providence , exclude the rest of humanity, causing a great divide and often hatred. Who gave them the right to decide? Who decides whether the person or human being fits into the category of general providence? Of divine providence? Who judges?

Actually the biggest opponent of peace in the world today , Yes - it is judgement.
Judge not lest you be judged!

In reality we are all just humans that have a divine soul. In essence it is about the soul and becoming more aware of the presence of God. All are welcome to divine providence - there is not magical number or membership requirement. A divine image of God is represented in all, it is only becoming aware of our own potential that is important.

Divine providence - this is usually the us and them mentality. You are either for or against us, you either believe exactly as we do or the destroyer will deal with you. Probably the most deceitful practice in humanity is mans religion. If we knew the truth we would not be judgmental but understanding. The fate of many in the religious sense was often determined by the toss of a dice. Providence was often determined by royalty or priestly costume. Usually takes on some sort of ritualistic form. Peace is often spoken about but it is not what is actually being said. We hear of inheritance another word often used
by religion but misunderstood. We can recite the Lord's prayer (Our father) this is the best explanation of divine providence. We are all a part of God, the creator.

 Hatred has no place in religion, yet it is there. Religion can be two faced and that is why most of the population are taking up atheism. We are seeing a rise in atheism like never before. This is becoming the most popular view because of a bad experience with religion.

  We have to constantly purify our thoughts of religious prejudice and respect the beliefs of others. The spiritual path will overcome differences of culture and religion.

  We are all a part of each other yet unique. This is not strange but wonderful to have this uniqueness. Diversity is beautiful , color is beautiful , to me everything is beautiful it is just hard to explain.

 To me there is no black and white, it is just color. There is no us and them just humanity. There is no chatter just heartbeats.

 In taking care of my son with down syndrome , and the elderly it is sometimes exhausting. People tell me you will get your reward in heaven. Actually my walk is very spiritual not so much based on rewards. I do not usually share my supernatural experiences but once was kissed by an angel on my right cheek. Some churches encourage others to get deeper into the spiritual realm, to me this should be left to those who are called to be mystics. It takes many years to understand and live in this kind of awareness.

 Gandhi was one of the most outspoken opponent of the caste system in India but he also was considered a mahatma or hindu spiritual leader. Often spend time reading his letters to the United States and he is warning us of the various scenarios in which capitalism without regards to human interest was not healthy. We see how providence can be turned into a caste system if politics and religion are not separated. The purse of happiness and the pursuit of happiness are not the same. Often we respect those with the biggest purse in capitalism not those with the concern for the benefit of all.

 Capitalism is an ongoing experiment that has yet to be proved. We only put up with as much as we can stand, eventually we all need to eat , have shelter and clothing. In capitalist nations we see an influence on our churches to preach a sort of capitalist gospel , which is something new and apparent. This is not the gospel Jesus taught, the inheritance spoken about in the beatitudes.

  God makes stones not clones. God makes many gems , and love will find a way. There is hope for peace but we will need to hold onto the basic truths and keep the message simple like Jesus explained in the parables.

 I believe Jesus wanted us all to know we are loved, he spoke out against judgement. The purpose of teaching truth and grace was to free us from religious persecution and condemnation. His teaching sets us free - it is not meant to bring fear. Perfect love casts out fear.

What is the real divine truth. God is spirit, cannot stress this enough. The spirit of knowledge with understanding. Knowledge and understanding = WISDOM.


Independence Day

What does it mean to be independent? As a nation it meant to free from foreign rulers and royalty. In Canada independence day is the formation of the government , the joining of all the provinces to form Canada. Independence day is celebrated throughout the world , it is a day of national pride regardless if you are from the USA, Canada, Mexico or Russia.

Independence is also sometimes cultural identity and the freedom to express that identity. We go through life in search of identity it is not something we always benefit from or maybe are satisfied with. The color of our skin, the sexual orientation, our height or stature, the DNA of identity. There is also cultural and religious identity. Of all these it is important to note the freedom to belong and  of expression is important. We are all unique , all of different character. Yet we may all belong to the same country - so we not only celebrate the union but also the uniqueness. This is what make us independent.

Independence is freedom, a portion of civil liberties that we have accrued though the toils if not the blood of our founders. Whether we are Chinese or Greek , independence is celebrated across the globe.

Does independence always bring about a perfect union, No -  but it is a beginning.


Saturday, June 29, 2013


So we are in a room and listening. Are we listening to the words being spoken by others. Perhaps we hear something interesting.

The other day something interesting happened instead of hearing words all that was heard were heartbeats. This has happened a few times once in ICU , and a couple times in a crowd of people in public places. Then it occurred that when we enter the world the first thing that is checked is the heartbeat. When we leave it is the last thing that is checked.

What does it mean to sense the heartbeat. Life is what is important , the noise and chatter all culminate in life. There is a constant search for identity in the words of others we look for something of interest. If we like it and can use that to build our identity or so it seems. Then we create the transition of to be or not to be, a question is posed.

However when we hear a heartbeat we identify as being alive and present. It is very basic and yet so essential to be aware of life not just the chatter.


Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The Truths

When we refer to the truth it can often be taken a few ways.

The blind truth 

 The blind truth is something that is overheard or perhaps passed through many tellers. It often becomes
distorted over the many transmissions or over time. It is often spoken about the blind leading the blind.
When an ancient manuscript is translated it may have aspects of blind truth that need to be discerned to 
gather the real meaning. This is because of the effect of transmission and time linear regressions.

The narrative truth

 The narrative truth is written or usually in book form. It can also be historical record. Of course historical record is only as good as the reporter and the source. We can sometimes be influenced by conjecture or the opinion of the reporter , true reporting offers no opinion just the facts. Often people 
will believe everything that is written down. Yes- I read it in the paper so it must be true is a metaphor often used. A narration is usually opinionated , so it can be of poor or good quality depending on the narrator or source. We can say the narrative truth is closer than the blind truth if the source is proven to be good because it is a record that may be preserved over time.

The living truth
 The purest form of truth is the living truth. It encompasses experience and usually other witnesses - we also can conclude each of our senses is a witness. There is no substitute for personal experience , something that is felt by all the senses touch, smell, hearing, sight and taste. We cannot always rely on just one of the senses. We may smell something that is quite raunch but it may actually taste very good, something can taste awful and be good for your health. We may hear something that is not really true or a lie or gossip. We may see something that can be taken out of context, for instance a surgeon using a knife or a father yelling at a child perhaps it was a safety issue. Usually common sense is only taken into consideration when multiple senses are involved.

Actually of all the senses touch is the most reliable. Many people respond better to a hug or a kiss because the human nature understands this as being more reliable than just a compliment.

He touched me and made me whole. 

 When Jesus said, I am the way, the truth and the life. It was a direct statement of the living truth , saying the truth he was speaking of could be experienced in life. Way , Truth and Life all blend in perfect harmony. Almost like a finely tuned instrument making the most wonderful music ever heard.


Sunday, June 23, 2013

Probability and Possibility part one


 We hear the term all things are possible for those who love christ and called according to his purpose. We also hear that greater miracles than these shall they do. Faith is often spoken as being
without reason. Though we somehow are reminded of the Urim and the Thummim where we flipped
a coin basically and followed the will of God. Yes - if we are wrong - we can blame our ignorance.
If we are right - we can say it was prophetic. Is this what success is about - taking risks. Yes- it is
to a degree of 50% success. Eventually we will overcome our ignorance and may even succeed.
This is religious thinking. There is nothing wrong with it except the odds are even for and against. Sometime God's people used this thinking - a matter of drawing lots.


We learn that wisdom is constantly taught by men of God, even holiness which is divine wisdom.
The path of holiness is one of probability. The odds are far greater for success using wisdom and knowledge. Perhaps as high as 90% or more but very rarely 100% just to keep us humble. If we do not smoke chances are we will be healthier and richer. If we do not drink the chances are we will make better decisions and use sound judgement. If we keep better company the chances are proven to be more successful. If we eat right chances are our health will improve or we will have more energy.

Why would we leave our life to chance? Because it is really what life is about. The chosen are perhaps the ones who live in the realm of holiness because the probability increases with wisdom. Jesus taught that we should learn grace.

Ephesians 1:8 he lavished upon us wisdom and understanding.

This is speaking about the basics of grace.

We also are not limited to the knowledge in books . It comes in all forms - mainly experience. Touching a flame we get burnt. Our desires can get the best of us , we can sometimes crave or have an appetite for a destructive habit. We can be overcome with a fear that if thought out sensibly may seem ridiculous. Fear of being alone , fear of crowds. Some are so dismal they seem to contradict. Fear of heights and fear of depths. Fear of small spaces and open spaces. Knowledge is the key it is the spiritual

Religion sometimes can border superstition in reasoning. The spiritual path is one of wisdom and understanding not ignorance. It is not God's will to be ignorant but wise and humble.


Saturday, June 22, 2013

Coming Home

As it were many a veteran realized the dream of coming home after a war. Sometimes the person you thought was waiting had moved on to another relationship. Sometimes the job you left behind was gone or the plant was closed. Your friends may have moved on. This is not the worst - believe me.

It is when you realize your unique identity was left behind and somehow no longer at home. Be aware that returning from war and separation from identity can be the worst loss. How do you find yourself or  reconnect to your old life. It can be very stressful and many will fall into sorrow. Jesus was often referred to as a man of sorrows. The smiling Jesus we see on the post cards recently is more like the salesman Jesus. Actually the shortest verse in the bible is Jesus wept.

It is ok to shut the door and weep. Afterwards take a moment to identify where you are going not where you came from. It is not a time to look behind but forward. There is no one there to give the order forward march. You have to re-claim your identity and now is a good time to start a new beginning. Learn to meditate and control your thoughts. Believe me a misguided thought can be worse than friendly fire.

The serenity prayer is often a good one:

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Instead of hanging around with a negative crowd or whiners, find someone that is positive. Even in the work place it is easy to become a member of the whiners club. In a real company it is not us and them, it is just us. It used to be in the service fraternizing with the enlisted was forbidden. That is old school - in the real world we are all in it to survive - the army of one.

The switch from civilian to soldier, and then back to civilian is all about identity. You may even get angry that your identity was stolen but understanding can get you back on track. Some will ask you to be a part of a VFW or legion and it may be ok if the crowd is positive. Seek out positive companionship , do not try to go it alone. Maybe visit a local church that does charity work or find an optimist club.

My first decision was to go to college but was disappointed with the level of immaturity and left after completing one year, actually re-enlisted only to delay the process of finding identity. The second time went to college again and they seemed even more immature. Now the immature people in the first group were managers and getting into the workplace was hard. I ended up starting my own company and it worked out for me. There were still times of reflection and identity issues but it seems that practicing meditation helped a lot.

Unfortunately the civilian world does not always give you the credit for your experience and maturity. It is better to seek out a government job would be my advice, even it is a small position at first you can bid for others as they become available and you have seniority. My wife was in a MASH unit in the army and it was hard for her to work for kids just out of school that had never faced the same level of preparedness and action. Yet - she managed to get in at the bottom and work her way up. Taking some college courses as time permitted at a local community college. Many have online courses which are nice to try before attempting a class.

Wishing all the best for returning veterans as it seems to be harder with each generation. Pray the serenity prayer and choose positive friendships.

Peace to you.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Dark Night

We hear occasionally about the dark night of the soul. As it may appears to be a very lonely and a time where the holy spirit does not seem to be present. It seems quite odd and many will not understand this. This is my explanation which is comparative at best.

When you were a little child your father gave you your first bicycle. You had on those training wheels after a time when you seem to have gained balance they were taken off. You were full of joy and knowing your father was giving you a push , then realized you were riding the bicycle with no training wheels and your father was not holding you up. Then you hear a voice "my son, I am well pleased". Our heavenly father will never leave us nor forsake us, but there are times when we are left to peddle alone- this is faith. Understanding this is normal and only temporary can help. We are spiritual beings and our spirit will be tested at various times in life.

This is not related to being separated by sin, which is something that you need to overcome. Once you have spiritual understanding grace replaces the law of sin and death. The separation of God during the dark night is more of a testing period or first bicycle ride unassisted. You just have to trust and this is a test of trust.

Hebrew 13:5 and Deuteronomy state - I will never leave you, nor forsake you.

peace be unto you.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Every knee shall bow

 Every knee shall bow is asserting the divine presence of God. We often find a conflict between our personality and the divine character of God. How can we bow to a Spirit , since God is spirit. We are actually all who accept Grace endowed with the Spirit of God. It is in my belief that all will eventually recognize their own personality and will is no match for God's spirit.
 How can we distinguish between a personality and the Spirit of God , because there are some that will be overcome by strong personalities. These strong personalities are often the leader of a cult or following not of God. If God is present , we are uplifted and our own individuality becomes strengthened. If another personality is not of God our individuality becomes weak. Greater is the one  that is in you, than is in the world. Now the bible says HE , but God really is Spirit. A woman with the Spirit of God should realize that her gender will not changed but will be magnified. Her individuality will be stronger than any of the personality that surrounds her. She will become the stone in her time.
 In the last part of the biblical verse Every knee shall bow -  every heart confess Jesus Christ is Lord. This is stated in the bible more than once. Does that mean we will be forced to bow before Christ or does it mean the Spirit of One , God will overcome the personality of men. That all will eventually be at One consciousness with God and at peace. I believe it means that God will eventually draw all men unto the Spirit. It does not mean destruction or havoc as some may teach, for God is not the author of confusion - it means a reign of peace and harmony. In Revelations it is told of a thousand years of peace. We certainly have not seen this - yet.
 Those who are looking for destruction and chaos are wrong. Eventually the world will be at peace both Heaven and Earth , that is what scripture teaches. How this will be accomplished is through a direct encounter with a Divine being , it does not mean the destruction of free will but a Gift of understanding which will enhance individuality to a divine level. Will this be done through telepathic means or a scientific breakthroughs, not sure. It is hard to imagine a thousand years of peace , perhaps it will mean new energy sources that will replace our archaic oil guzzling technology and new sources of food similar to manna that is available to everyone or a change in the earth or science where climates are controlled not delivering rampant destruction. Perhaps all of these and more for those thousand or so years, it seems possible. Once I had an experience which prompted me to write a poem Angelic decryption, it was a transmission of sorts where an enormous amount of data was being received in a short period of time. I tried to find this in ancient manuscripts not sure of the source but later discovered it was encrypted.
 Perhaps this will be the way peace is achieved through some transfer of knowledge and it was only a sample.

-peace to all.

Why the Difference

Why are there so many differences among protestant christians? 
The very nature of protestantism is to interpret the bible for oneself. It also doesn't help that there are so many translations.

Does the catholic church offer more stability as the interpretation is by papal authority?
That is really for you to decide - some would rather have their religion defined for them. Most catholics have not even read the bible , which includes many priests.

Is there a true christian church?
The body of christ is real - Yes. Does it have a modern label or is it a religion - No. The body of christ is experienced not defined. There are people of all the churches mentioned that have something of value from their inner being.

It would be ludicrous to think that God would just scoop up one building and take everyone in it and leave the rest to burn. With love comes understanding, patience and kindness.

Can love be falsified?
The bible does speak of false prophets performing miracles in Jesus name. It also speaks of discerning the truth. The main test is the fruits of the spirit.
Galatians 5:22-23
22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.

Against such things there is no law.... this about sums it up.

But I have seen Sikhs, Hindus and Jews etc. with these same traits.
Yes - being a part of God is not limited to a particular religion, it is a spiritual experience. God is spirit.


The Sacrifices

When we study sin and the ancient religious sacrifices it goes back to the time when the Jews were undecided in how to deal with sin and cast lots. They had prepared two sacrifices one for the Lord and one for Azazel. Upon the casting of the lot it was decided the Lord would bear the burden of sin. The goat prepared for Azazel was released into the wilderness, later this was called the scape goat. We often hear the devil made me do it or satan is blamed for your sin.

Actually the sin was placed upon the Lord in sacrifice, this is also represented by the cross. Then we find out that Jesus came to preach a new covenant of Grace. So even though it was a new covenant the law had to be also satisfied once and for all. Grace did away with sin, there is no reason to look for the scape goat wandering in the wilderness. The devil did not make you do it, you need to take responsibility for your actions.

In the covenant of Grace we are forgiven and given a measure of faith to overcome. How often can you  fail until you overcome. We can almost say it is like a man at the well, once I saw this in a vision. At the well sat a man and kept filling my cup as needed. How many trips were made to the well, that is between me and God. The man at the well seems to be Christ and the water is life. Perhaps you will see this another way as grace is revealed.

Have learned to ask forgiveness and take responsibility for my failures asking for another measure of faith. We only need to go to the cross once, but the well many times.


Wednesday, May 22, 2013


Often we get the explanation stating faith healing was only for biblical times or yes- they heard of someone through the grapevine who may have been healed. Healing is not necessarily being rid of cancer or disease. Healing is preparing the body, mind and spirit to a better state. The patient often says I am feeling better. The doctor provides us with medicine sometimes to not feel the pain. That is in a sense healing from pain. What concerns me is that ministers go to the hospital and pray believing if the person does not immediately get up and do a dance they may have failed. If they are ministering to the spirit and the spirit is doing better , than that is was what was needed.

We find also that in healing the mind from despair and providing a comfort to the person is also important. Even most doctors and medications do not heal the body, the body heals itself if it is able. The antibiotic only aids in the body itself to produce the cure. The balancing of the various chemicals or nutrition enables the body to get in the proper shape or condition to heal. The body is the miracle as it is able to do amazing things. This notion of people healing other people is really not true. God created the body which is able to respond to a catalyst of medication, treatment and yes - prayer.

We should never curse the body if it is diseased or ill. The body, mind and spirit are all gifts we should learn to appreciate. Each are miracles of life.
