Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Year - invest wisely in love.

  How should we plan our New Year resolution.

Deuteronomy 8:18
  “And you shall remember the LORD your God, for it is He who gives you power to get wealth, that He may establish His covenant which He swore to your fathers, as it is this day.
I Corinthians13:3
 And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not love, it profits me nothing.

My New Years resolution is not to give more to needy, I already give what is bearable. I plan on just learning to Love more. There is a distinction, some people give to prove to themselves they are willing. I once did this gave every last nickel to the poor. The next day I was poor and what was proven, the poor were still needy and God was not pleased. It is impossible to please God , even the bible teaches this. He only is appeased by Love. It was a good lesson as such but only self serving.
A lot of preachers will prey upon the gullible and ask them to donate all their money in church, a lot of the elderly are vulnerable. My own parents retired live on a small monthly check, each year their health insurance and utilities go up, taxes rise. I had to supplement their food on several occasions and found out they being very spiritual but not practical were giving beyond their means.
 Relatives , pastors evangelist all took advantage of them, they were over 80 years old, it came to the point were they had no money to pay taxes and could have lost their home. I sat down with them and we came up with an acceptable financial plan , they are much happier learning to have balance in their spiritual lives. My mother now gives of her time, her love more. I want to say give what you are able comfortable, time and energy is giving. Watch over the elderly to make sure they are not being taken advantage of.
  The bible speaks of those who take advantage of widows in their grief and this can extend to any elderly. I invest in commodities , some may say it is being greedy or not christian. I prayed about this and when Jesus was with the fisherman , he told them where to cast their nets. I actually pray for God to guide me in what to invest in, it is in the end going to be used for His glory. I am not here to please others or satisfy their greed. Fact of the matter- the bible is my financial guide, guide for holy living and peace of mind.
 My wife and I both work 50 plus hours a week , we are grateful. She is a health care aid , and I always tell her she is doing Gods work helping the truly needy. While some ministers give a sermon on helping the indigent or mentally challenged she actually does it every day. I take care of my son every day with down syndrome, bath him, brush his teeth, shave him and make sure he is fed every day. We go to church together, shopping and belong to a community workshop.
 My point is balance is needed, God wants us to have peace of mind - not be in poverty. Those that try to control you and seize your pocket in the name of Jesus, are not of God. Many catholic priests live on less than 18k a year and pay taxes, they have taken a vow of poverty. Even though I am not a catholic it is not a sin to take a priest to dinner, or offer a ride. Some local ministers of independent churches live on less than minimum wage. I know because have been there, why not give a red envelope with a twenty in it. In martial arts - we often gave a red envelope to the Sufi for teaching us self defense as a love gift.
  In the New Year pray for balance, ask God how you should invest not only monetary but time. You can never please God, love is the only profit He cares about.  

Friday, December 30, 2011

Servant or Savant

 Often we are told we must serve others, because Christ was a servant. A servant is not the same position as you would think. Some are servants because they have sold their bodies to another for money or their particular status tier is a peasant. It may be a social tier such as in India where caste and class of social levels are accepted and lived by. Imagine you fall in love with some one and they have similar feelings but you are of different caste. You are not permitted to share your love because of social dogma. Families make deals and then find you someone they believe will do- acceptable to their culture.

Philipians 2:5-7  Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men.
John 15:15
Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant knoweth not what his lord doeth: but I have called you friends; for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you.

  In Phillipians we see Jesus came in the form of a servant , actually a human. God became man, that we could become more divine. In John he says - he no longer calls us servant - for the servant knoweth not. A person that knows is called a Savant. We can almost say we are transformed from a servant to a savant. First we must become the servant, making ourselves nothing. Then the savant or friend of Christ. Many will make it to the servant level, they will prostate themselves before God become humble servants. They will live as monks or nuns feel that the lower they bow , the better their chance of getting to heaven.
  I had this mentality , would constantly fast wrap myself in clothe - pray for days . Almost a deprivation of social contact limiting myself to only scripture studies. Lived on a remote island for an entire year like this- others on the island knew I was involved in self deprivation trying to find God. Often would douse my body in Johnson baby powder to keep down the smell. I had hair down to my back and a beard to my chest. I remember having mystical experiences and read the bible cover to cover , then by subject.
  Then the Lord spoke and rebuked me, I was stunned. He wanted me to no longer be a servant but a friend. He wanted me to be a savant, we would become friends. Not as one equal with God but as one who knows a servant does not know the will of his master. His relationship is distant , he is humble but not knowing of his masters business. A savant knows the Lords business, he knows Gods will and does it. Jesus desire is not for us to constantly be as beggars, but to draw us unto the Father. As the Holy Spirit draws us to Jesus, Jesus draws us to the Father.
John 14:6-7 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If  you really knew me, you would know my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him.”
 Jesus later says to call no one Father on earth but only our Father who is in heaven, in Matthew. Jesus goes further in saying we are to call God our Father, even in the Lords prayer we are taught to say, Our Father who art in heaven. He doesn't say Our Master who art in heaven. Father means we are children, Master means we are servants. Jesus constantly tries to bring us into that relationship with God. First by example then by teaching. Should we pray to Jesus or the Father, or to the Holy Spirit. This is often a question asked by believers, Jesus said to pray to the Father. The prophets and the apostles call upon the name of the Lord, a prophet often says Thus Saith the LORD. As we need an advocate before God , the Lord is our savior and advocate. He stands with us and walks with us. Immanuel-God is with us. Isaiah prophesied of the Messiah, “His name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace”. In that respect we recognize that Jesus and the Father are one, we will also become unified as Christ promised. That is were I may differ from some. I believe in the unification of all believers in Christ as Jesus spoke- even a greater mystery than the trinity. God dwells in each believer as they are his spiritual children. That is how the prophet says Thus Saith the Lord. He is filled with the Lord, he is speaking with a divine authority as if God is speaking . All throughout the old testament and new prophets were the voice of God.
 Only understanding the Lord is also spirit can this be possible. This verse in Galations speaks to me solidly of my relationship with God. Sometimes my spirit cries Abba, Father and why do you call on the Father. Probably because of the verse below.
Galations 4:6 And because you are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father. 

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Imagine yourself.

 Some people might say , Well put yourself in my shoes.

 I actually prefer to go barefoot but certainly not in someone else's shoes. If you imagine yourself in someone's position , it may just happen. Never let someone drag you down . How many times have friends or family brought you down. Matthew 7:6 Do not cast your pearls before the swine.
Other spiritual powers would love to see you wallow in their mud. Share Gods word that will lift them up or if they reject that, then they will reject you anyway.
  If you want to imagine something- imagine yourself a child of God. Imagine wonderful things and places you want to be. Imagine a mansion , truth is that is what waits for you. I sometimes feel not worthy of such things , but it is not about being worthy.  Do not dwell on those stinky shoes but on this:

Romans 8:17  Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory.
Romans 8:37-39 No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Monday, December 26, 2011

The Odyssey

Forging on to the New Year - we hear rumors about 2012 being the end of the world. We first hear of the word Odyssey when the epic poet and writer Homer writes his sequel to the Illiad , the sequel is full of strange creatures and cannibals - mystical potions filled Homer's imagination. Homer's was such a great writer his stories were often believed , some even shaped Greek culture and the gods he created were brought to life and statues made and worshiped.
 Then there was George Orwell who wrote Animal Farm and 1984, of course animals did not take over mankind and 1984 come and went. Then we had Arthur C. Clarke  who wrote 2001 Space Odyssey which he starts out in the forward saying there are enough stars to give every one on earth present and past their own star to be a private heaven or hell. Of course 2001 came and went  NASA has since lost funding we never did make it to the stars. We thought it was enough to set up a lab in space and play chess. Perhaps prove that man can live in anti- gravity for sustained periods of time.
  Then someone picked up on some ancient idea that since the Mayan calendar ends in 2012 it must be the end of the world. They even made a movie 2012 which was pretty good almost as vivid as Homers and Arthur C. Clarke's Odysseys. We have somewhat of an attraction to the unknown  some believe in the aliens of the Odyssey but do not believe in God. A writers epic over the Bible , some even believe that perhaps the Bibles Revelation is such an Odyssey. The Bible has been studied by literally thousands upon thousands of scholars. Many devoting not a leisurely afternoon of reading but their entire lives to the book.
  The Bible states no one knows the end of times. Mathew 13:32 But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father.
Matthew 24:36 But of that day and hour knows no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.
 Jesus is saying he does not even know the hour only His  Father knows. This may come as a shock but how can anyone know the end of humanity , any angel or according to scripture even Jesus. Anyone who prophesies or builds their church on this lie , that they know the end of times is a liar. We are told of signs in the book of Revelations , some things about horseman and the price of oil and wheat will rise. Revelations 6:5-6 Implies extreme inflation Yes the price of oil has more than quadrupled in (2) years, the price of wheat gone up seven times. I keep track of this because it is one of my hobbies - trading commodities.  I confess have taken profit from God's word but not millions do not read the bible just for profit but it is profitable. Food will continue to rise because it is in the scriptures, I do not know the end of times. If I said so, would be a liar but do know that inflation will be rampant in 2012.
 How can we survive inflation, you can learn to live with less. Do not believe your pensions and money will be enough. If someone said to you a box of corn flakes which was 19 cents, when I was born would be almost 4 dollars - they would call you an idiot. Yet , starting in 1908 it had just gone from 10 cents to 19 cents in 50 years-not so bad only double. In 1955 to 2011 went up twenty times in price. On the current trend a box of corn flakes if they are still available will cost in 2050 almost 100 dollars. This is not prophesy but simple mathematics, if you are twenty years old now and plan to live to seventy years old, that would be something to think about. Not trying to be scary , but we cannot live on the current food staples it would just be too expensive. I predict you will see other sources of protein and grain substitutes. You will not know what is in the food only its nutritional value unless you grow it yourself.
 We will see more seaweed and lichen products , out of thousand of species only 4% of mushrooms are edible but only a few species of lichen are not edible. This includes various types of fungus and red algae also they have anti-biotic properties which prevent disease, Yes -reindeer food is the future that is what they eat. What I am saying is we have been sold a commercial mindset by TV etc. that will be challenged in the future. We are way behind in food science and production.
 We think that disease , earthquakes or nuclear warfare will be the end of civilization-perhaps  , I say the next trial will be starvation and thirst. We are already seeing starvation on an increase not in third world countries but in the USA. You see a  lot of the newer food stores becoming popular among the poor and middle class with dented cans and nearly outdated foods. We see dumpster diving on the rise not for clothes or spare parts but FOOD. Why don't we see new food sources being explored why is the FDA working with companies to prevent these from coming to market. Why are they trying to make vitamins a prescription drug.  Why, why , why are people starving because of money --- the root of evil. The more we print , the more people will starve.
 Can Jesus help us by multiplying the fishes, making the bread feed a multitude. Maybe if we each eat what we need and are not gluttons. Recycle the food , stop plowing it under to raise the prices. When gas was just heading out of control, the consumer commercials were selling us SUV's and Hummers. Why was the government  giving a tax break for heavy load vehicles, instead of fuel efficient ones. We see more commercials on super size specials for fast food. When I was a kid there was no such thing as a Whopper or Big Mac. What is going on here gluttony just before the food prices go through the roof. Yes - our minds are being brainwashed into gluttony. This is the future or we can change it and turn off the TV. Vote out the magnates that are constantly raising the debt ceiling and printing more dollars so we can buy less. I do not like politics - do not even like to get on the same worldly plane . I want to stay on a spiritual plane and in order for our children and grandchildren to survive we need to get out the survival book , the Bible. Teach against gluttony and basic principles of the loaves and fishes, we need to give the fish a chance to multiply, quit polluting the water. Quit eating Big Macs and Whoppers, it takes too much grain to grow livestock. - learn to grow food in  a garden. Quit depending on others, the guy in the clown suit or the one who thinks he is the king-  Jesus is the King-Do not live in the Odyssey . The Bible  still the best guide for healthy living, finance  and peace of mind for  the New Year.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Remember George at Christmass

 Every Christmass, I remember Jesus Christ first whom we celebrate his birth, and also remember the sacrifice of all the colonial soldiers , men and woman who supported our first president George Washington  to win our freedom and form our great nation at Valley Forge during Christmass which is not far from where I live.


Remember George at Valley Forge.
This was not just a fable.
A week before Christmass no meat
for the table.

One fourth the army had died from starvation
A great sacrifice to birth a nation.
In all his armys agony and despair.
They drew their strength from the leader they had there.

He was taller than most and stood out among the ranks,
The father of our country, whom today I will give thanks.
Instead of giving up and letting their hearts roam.
He crossed the Delaware river, and chased the enemy home.

Here we welcome all people, the tired and the poor.
But it took a lot of sacrifice a revolutionary war.
When we sit down at Christmass dinner and on the feast we gorge.
Remember our troops, our freedom and George at Valley Forge.

Saint Eule

Friday, December 9, 2011

Captain or Captive

 When it come right down to it - you are either captain or captive. I do not believe God wants us to be captive. To feel imprisoned by sin or constantly reminded of it. We have conquered sin , at least Jesus Christ did - we just need to believe it. How can it hold us captive there are many ways but these are the most common.
1. Not believing in Gods grace and accepting that the gift is free. Some people just do not like accepting something that is free, they think there is a catch - nothing is for free. Ephesians 2:8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: This means without merit - we did not earn it , so we are free because Grace is free. It is not a matter of being worthy.
2. We still feel temptation, how can we be holy. Well that is because temptation is all around us , our thoughts are continually being challenged. 1 Corinthian 10:13 There has no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted above that you are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that you may be able to bear it.
 Temptation is nothing to be ashamed of , we are all tempted God promises to us a way to bear it.
3. We feel not responsible for our condition or salvation. We feel others are responsible for our sins perhaps our parents or economical circumstances. We need the help of a priest or someone with a collar to give us absolution. This is the caged bird syndrome, we are taught we need a key to unlock our cage even though we are free. I am here to say no one is responsible for you but you it is OK to speak to a minister who is filled with the Holy spirit but your sins were pardoned by Jesus Christ, he paid for our pardon on the cross. We will all stand before Christ and the truth is Christ will stand with us, not any man. Roman 8:1 There is therefore now no condemnation to them who are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.
We cannot be condemned if we are in Christ, anyone who tries to bring you into the cage avoid.
4. We have fallen , we disobeyed .  All fall short of Gods glory- we are saved by believing in Jesus divine grace not our own. We will eventually grow and defeat fear , and doubt- it does not happen overnight - it may even take a lifetime. Until such a time we rely on Gods grace.Gal 1:6 I marvel that you are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel:
There is another gospel , one that does not teach grace it foments in sin. It denies Jesus, it is like quicksand eventually will take you under- but Jesus forever holds the olive branch to save you from sinking- you just need to grasp and hold on.

  The Captain is someone who take responsibility for the ship, just like you take responsibility for your destiny. Making a clear choice to follow grace, to believe in Christ that he died that we may be free from sin not held captive.
 John 8:3 If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.

 We also need to recognize Jesus promised a helper , the Holy spirit to guide us on our journey. The scripture says he will never leave us or forsake us. Yes- I believe Christ died once and for all and His grace is sufficient- without the help of the Holy spirit it would be impossible to grow in faith. He leads us into obedience, He cleanses us continually and teaches us faith. The Captain needs a navigator the sea is rough .
John 16:13  But when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will show you things to come.
 Interesting the Holy Spirit will not speak of himself. He will speak only of the Lord- Jesus Christ that is how we discern which spirit is talking. For as there are many false prophets there are many spirits among us. Be a Captain not a captive- Peace. 

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Faith or Faust

 Today, I was in a real good mood not knowing why perhaps it was a good nights sleep or maybe just not caring about troubles. It rained most of the day and it seemed like things at work were more chaotic than usual with many requests. Still nothing penetrated my inner spirit - it was a great day. I was not taking any drugs or anything but felt a little different. I think after going through a lot of trials it was just the light at the end of tunnel feeling. Spent last week in the hospital but I won't go into details just that it was not good. I had surgery and you know it was ok. The doctors and nurses kept asking me if I was in pain but honestly felt fine as they were cutting away. It was nice to have faith to rely on and especially when you need it.
  What is faith - to me . Perhaps it means something else to you. To me it is not just believing but experiencing , to go beyond what we think is possible. Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.  Now I just took this from scripture but faith results in substance and evidence. If we practice faith it will produce substance - it could be a material thing, though I do not long for these. It means more to me to have peace of mind and balance than a new car or material wealth. Even though God has blessed us, it takes very little to make me happy. It is more important to focus on contentment than gain.  
 We had a large meeting the other day and there were over a hundred persons in the room, I was listening to some complaining. I had just gotten back from surgery the day before and quietly thought how some like to complain just for the sake of it. They hardly had a reason , after a few hours realized most of the grief we bring on ourselves, by setting goals that are worldly. My goal was not to complain for as long as possible, at the end of the day felt great- goal achieved.

 There was a man in literature who complained a lot, he was never satisfied. He ended up making a pack with the devil. His name was Faust as some of you may know. Faust wanted material wealth and power and would do anything to achieve this. In the end he was still not happy but was left with a debt he owed , his soul to the devil. It is important to note this was not just a story there are many Faust in this world- who make such pacts. They are never satisfied , one sign of a Faust is the complaining. They have the new car but complain about the trim or the gas mileage , well maybe they should have not bought a hummer. They complain about the heating bill but live in a three story home or about all the grass to mow, did you really need 5 acres. If you had a townhouse maybe you would have time to read your favorite novel and relax.

 In reality if we can get by with less and have peace of mind , we are better off. I am not saying do not get the things you need or even desire but have balance. Especially around the holidays which used to be about reflecting on Christ now it was turned into a spending frenzy by many. I can say we can easily get caught along with the crowds, I have been guilty of this also. Exercise control and contentment in the end when the mail comes it may just be a greeting card not a bill. My gift this week was just being here and am grateful for that. - peace.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The Eucharist - or Lords supper

 The Eucharist or Lords Supper as called by some is given as a sacrament at most churches , some at almost every service as in the Lutheran and Catholic services. Some churches less frequently but usually involves reading of scriptures , prayer and sometimes lay ministers are allowed to participate in handing out the sacraments.
 In the catholic faith it is believed that the wine is truly turned into the blood of Christ and the bread the actual body a belief called transubstantiation.  They believe also in this miraculous event that it remains in substance the body and blood of Christ.
 In the Lutheran faith it is believed the bread and wine are turned for that period of time the believer partakes only, if there is any leftover afterwards it was not used in the sacrament therefore it just remains normal bread and wine a practice call consubstantiation. Only what is consumed is of Christ.
 In Anabaptist it is only symbolic of the Lords Supper and nothing is actually mystically transformed.
Some believe that only the pastor or priest can perform the rite and decides who is worthy of partaking. Others believe it is open to all , and no one should be refused as an act of grace.
 The Lord says to do this as often as you like in remembrance of me. So, it is encouraged for us to take part in the sacraments as often as you like according to christian faith. I have a communion set and we sometimes have communion as a family at home, since my son has downs syndrome it allows him to join in at home, and practice the faith. He always folds his hands and says a prayer and I bless the sacraments being an ordained minister years ago , it also keeps me in practice. We enjoy having the sacraments at home and in church , if there are guest at home will ask them if they want to join in also.
 My only comment would be this concerning the various beliefs, does it matter if Christ is present in the bread or wine - to me it is more important that Christ resides in our hearts and minds. I do not doubt however that it is possible as God is omniscient to be present whenever or wherever he wants. So in that sense the bodily presence is possible in the Eucharist. Does a priest have a mystical power to perform the transformation - I guess we are all one with Christ if two or more agree and ask in His name then it is . Can a Catholic priest give absolution or a Lutheran minister - my faith is in Christ who died on the cross , his grace is sufficient to me. I would not want to feel like a caged bird waiting for a minister to hear my confession who says he or she has the keys to my cage to be free. God 's grace is sufficient for me , and the Holy Spirit continually cleanses me from sin. Some may need the help of a priest I do not know as never felt that way. I do know the sacraments give a sense of peace and have spiritual value, I believe should be practiced whenever we have occasion to, lets not get caught up in the mystical arguments but appreciate foremost that Christ is present in us.

Matthew 26
 While they were eating, Jesus took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to his disciples, saying, "Take and eat; this is my body."

Then he took the cup, gave thanks and offered it to them, saying, "Drink from it, all of you. This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins. I tell you, I will not drink of this fruit of the vine from now on until that day when I drink it anew with you in my Father's kingdom."

Monday, December 5, 2011

The Trinity and the unity

  The Trinity has stood for ages the greatest mystery in Gods kingdom. Where does one begin to explain the most controversial subject in religion. The answers are in the scriptures we are told but yet- in interpretation it is left to the believer. The catholic differ from the orthodox on this view and actually split the east and the west churches on one word filioque. Often churches are split on trinitarian beliefs or not. In the catholic and many protestant beliefs the Holy Spirit emanates from the Father and the Son, in orthodox from the Father only. This schism was brought about by the Greek being interpreted into the Latin. The word filioque was added in the Latin and accepted by the catholic church. That single word caused an uproar in the Greek orthodox which held scripture to be unchangeable and they left the catholic body.
 When the Nicene creed was formed it was agreed by all that nothing would be changed from the original Greek under banishment or reprisal by anyone even a bishop or hierarchy. They had full justification for their action and thus left the west for a time to form their own orthodoxy or right way. Now there are some in protestant circles that believe in Jesus only, since Jesus said"I and the Father are one." Some also believe just in the Father because Jesus prayed to the Father and taught to pray in such a way in the Lords Prayer. The Holy Spirit was also said to have given birth to Jesus through Mary, so that leaves another often forgotten precept. So if Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit in the womb of the virgin Mary, is the Son of the Spirit. The Holy Spirit descended on Jesus as a dove at His baptism.
 The Islamic will say there is but one God , Allah the merciful. They are right God is one but we are also one united in Christ. Is not God omniscient ever present in all things, and can appear as He wishes. as a Spirit , as a man or even a dove or flame. He can even be a Word or create with just a thought. He is Almighty and yes he is merciful. Is his name Allah , in the ancient scriptures it states no one knows his name. He states I am who I am when asked by Moses, even Islam states no one can know his name and that Allah is just an adjective, as is Yahweh in the Jewish faith. In Christian faith we are told that the Son can reveal the Father to those he chooses - Matthew 11:27 All things have been committed to me by my Father. No one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal him.”  I can say first hand this is true, that is what makes me study day and night otherwise I would just be a rebel like other men, the easy life to follow. The Lord is real, however he reveals himself but to me he came as holy, a consuming spirit , so much so that it was hard to be in his presence. Then he touched me without a word , the touch cleansed my soul ,it was only then could I behold his glory.
These are my words not ancient scripture.
 Jesus said"he would ask His Father to send the Holy Spirit" but Yet in the book of John Jesus breathed on the disciples and said receive ye the Holy Spirit. In Genesis the Spirit of God hovered over the waters and created the habitation of the world.
  Jesus was also part of creation in the beginning was God and the Word was with God. Many other verses place Jesus at creation. The word elohim was used a pluralistic word attributed to God. So, it is so The Father , the Son and the Holy Spirit are one and created as one. I guess it goes even further than that for Jesus said in John 17:21-22 That they all may be one; as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that you have sent me.  Jesus is saying that we are also one with Christ. Many times Jesus spoke in a divine way , yet he was a man and when he died on the cross he said " Father why hast thou forsaken me." He felt a separation from the Father which is most profound of all. So they are one but each separate. As we are one in Christ but each separate this is the unity of the christian. We are also united in Christ that is even harder for the world to understand than the trinity.
 Except that when I was alone , the Holy Spirit came to me and I felt unclean, he touched me and then it was like we were one. I have felt that way ever since, even when praying to our Father who art in heaven. We are one in unity with Christ only when we may sin still being in the flesh there is a separation but he never leaves or forsakes us - he restores my soul keeping me forever in the palm of his hand. Just like Jesus felt that separation when he took upon himself our sin unto death and then he rose defeating sin and death. I feel confident this is our destiny to have eternal life in Christ.
 We will never fully understand  the trinity but this I understand fully and that is what matters- 1 Peter 5:10 But the God of all grace, who has called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that you have suffered a while, restore, establish, strengthen, settle you. John 14:2  Jesus said"In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. This is the word of the Lord -amen

Saturday, December 3, 2011

The Orthodoxy and the Traditional

 Studying the various christian and non-christian beliefs it stuck like a pin what is the difference between an orthodox belief and a traditional one. The orthodox meaning right thinking , right  belief, a conformity or approved way of thinking. Yet , they accept the mystical - often seen as abnormal orthodox beliefs are one of  two brothers.  There is a fine line between the vain imagination and first hand experience of founding faith. In my belief first hand experience is always accepted above a soothsayer or even a book. It is surprisingly the same in orthodoxy- the only religious thinking that places firsthand knowledge above traditional. Yet in its very definition it supposed to be conformity. The pin that struck me, was that orthodoxy accepts revelation . First hand knowledge is a precept in the orthodox belief system.
 The traditional belief system is another of two brothers they will deny anything contrary to their belief even if it is touched, tasted or seen firsthand by someone. Traditional thinking is actually contrary to revelation, and even if a person is told black is white , or a man is a toad they would accept it as so, because that is what they are told to believe. I spent some time studying the Jesuits , the society of Jesus formed by the catholic saint Ignatius  of Loyola. He was a traditional thinker , whatever the pope said was the truth. Yet - hundreds of universities were dedicated to his traditional thinking throughout the world, he promoted knowledge. He was the foremost defender of the catholic faith and the passionate opponent of reform. Revered even today as a saint by the papacy of course he saved the catholic church from losing many followers. He was a man of works , he fed the poor , helped the needy and was after all the founder of the society of Jesus, but did he sacrifice tradition for truth.
 Who is right and who is wrong- which brother. We see there was a time in history where the orthodox split from the traditional. The Greek split from the Roman way of thinking, they became two churches with two heads. Both consecrate priests and each has a vast following, can both be right. Ignatius of Loyola once said, if the both pope said black was white , then black is white. Man is not proven by works neither is truth. Tradition is not always right ,neither is Orthodox but orthodox does accept first hand knowledge over what is being told to believe. Tradition is not always wrong either as it was conceived from founding faith, but alas interpretations can be lost over time and can also be perverted by men of greed for power or lust.
 There is a fine balance between the Orthodox and Tradition that we must maintain. Revelation is not always new thought but sometimes a correction back to an original one. I maintain we should return to the scriptures and practice faith not blindly but as Jesus taught. Matthew 7:22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? Then in Matthew 7:22 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, you that work iniquity.  
 This is profound- They have done all these things in thy name yet Jesus said he never knew them. Do not be fooled by tradition, accept only what you discover first hand and follow the scriptures ask for the holy spirit to reveal God's word. First we need to understand these persons were not necessarily the Jesuits many are truly followers of faith and obedient to the holy spirit. They were neither the Orthodox because they have among them followers of faith and obedience to the holy spirit. Faith and obedience is a personal commitment and relationship each of us has with God.Romans 14:10 But why dost thou judge thy brother? or why dost thou set at nought thy brother? for we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ.2 Corinthians 5:10 For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad.
 I can give an example of each denomination of a leader that has fallen, catholic - protestant all have fallen short of the glory of God, one is not held accountable for the sins of the preacher. I know Jesus is my Lord - I know salvation is personal, and have first hand experience the Holy Spirit is real. Still of all the vast knowledge never one even the wisest even touched the surface, Ecclesiastes 8:17 then I saw all that God has done. No one can comprehend what goes on under the sun. Despite all his efforts to search it out, man cannot discover its meaning. Even if a wise man claims he knows, he cannot really comprehend it.
 So believing we are in constant revelation and understanding cannot accept a traditional belief system. Therefore deny all religions that corrupt founding faith and that are not open to first hand knowledge. All fall short - and can tell you this I know the difference between a man and a toad.
 I  devote my resources to understanding of the scriptures and would not sit in judgement of the Orthodox or the Traditional- no one is perfected and in the end they are still brothers. It should be recognized that we are constantly learning and should be prepared for correction when necessary. God never changes but our understanding does, we need to be open to any knowledge he is willing to impart. We also should recognize we will be judged according to our own commitment and obedience to Christ as stated in Romans and Corinthians.
 As we enter the advent season when we contemplate our faith a time of correction toward becoming closer to Christ, we need to light a candle and share our joy , our peace with others. I hope to attend a candlelight service and feel the warmth of christian fellowship. -amen.


Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Position of Disposition

 Often we are not in a position to have freedom to think , to weigh our thoughts. Family obligations , work loads and projects. No time for reflection or prayer, we find ourselves in bed trying to pray and reflect half asleep. In reality the best time to pray is at least two hours before bed time. It often will set the stage for a rest full nights sleep. I found this out after getting caught up in life and thinking I would pray myself to sleep as we were taught as children, Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep, if I should die before I wake , I pray the Lord my soul to take. Yes- I remember that child hood prayer.
 If you ask the experts bed time is not the time to pray, it is the time to rest and allow your mind and body to heal. Please try this method of praying two hours ahead of bed time to see if that helps even if it seems inconvenient. I think God will enjoy your company more if you are not yawning and making it an afterthought. I once heard a Methodist minister say we must pray face down outstretched on the floor, others say the kneeling position with hands clenched is best. Some pray in the lotus meditation position. I often pray sitting in my chair with eyes closed , back straight as if just in a conversation with a friend. It may seem odd or irreverent and some even pray while walking down a garden path or nature trail, alongside a brook. Some need to be a chapel or at an altar -it is not really important where or what position we pray. The attitude is most important - I often recite the Lords prayer as Jesus taught and then say a personal prayer, for the world , then community , then family and friends and lastly my own needs. By the time I get to my own needs they seem small in comparison.
  We often read scriptures for meditation on spiritual teaching. I usually separate prayer and meditation as one would learning and communicating. In meditation I listen ,read and learn. In prayer it seems a time to talk to God. I was once told Jesus is not our friend , he is God. But that is not scriptural for throughout the bible new testament Jesus does not ask for worship, he asks for friendship. "No longer will you be my servants but my friends." We should be humble but also not be disposed for Christ died for us , he intercedes as our friend. I do not feel separated from Jesus , and will always treasure our friendship even as he is Lord, he is also a friend. -peace.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Veterans Day - what it means to me.

 Veterans day - I asked for a half day off to pray for the veterans still serving our country. Now, I do not have a license plate or stickers on my bumper. I did serve during the Vietnam war (8years) a veteran and my wife Frances (Liz) did serve in the army as a medic in a MASH unit. We do not however live in the past and glorify in these epics. I do not wear war pins and hats , all my medals and ribbons are buried in my garden. We live for today to serve our community - my wife is a nurse and I minister to elderly at bedsides and deal with grieving families. Often visit hospitals and when I left work today that  was my intention but ended up spending time with my grand children.
  War is not something you dwell on - it was just another part of our lives. My family and community are grateful for those still serving and some are nieces and nephews. We keep in touch on a regular basis not just on Veterans day. Today a friend who became a Major- General spent the day with Barack Obama, it was nice to see him home from war to be honored. I remember being at his fathers bed side and praying with him before he died. He took my wife to the prom when they were young and we followed his career, his brother was my sons god father. My father was a Korean War veteran serving under MacArthur as his aide.
 Veterans Day - is for honoring those still serving and veterans that have served. I will tell you my prayers are continually with them not just on a single day, so it almost eludes me as a holiday except my wife works for the state and gets the day off. I think that war should be a last action and only for defense and therefore do not relish in it. I remember a few young men who could not deal with the post traumatic stress and ended their lives leaving behind small children. It is a sad loss especially when they made it home only to not be able to matriculate back to society,one was a co-workers son. I had a few friends who were Vietnam vets and were homeless one stayed with me for awhile, then ended up living with his mother on serious medication, we are still in touch through emails. I turned to Jesus and the Lord helped me to deal with the stress but it also helped to bury the ribbons and medals in the garden.
 I am glad that many of our soldiers are coming home but also know the reality of the scars war leaves on a person. We need be prepared as a nation to deal with those scars , the invisible ones. -peace.


 I was in bed thinking about hunger not in the food sense but in the spiritual. No, it was not a midnight raid on the fridge. I had a sudden hunger for scripture and put on the light and read a few verses. My soul satisfied quietly went to sleep. One of the things that was on my mind was all the things we hunger for. Many hunger for love - I often say this in my quotes it is better to hunger for love than for food. The world is in a famine today - they hunger for love. That is correct - most of the world population is hungry for love and will not get their fill.
 We often see pictures of starving children and it breaks my heart - I wish we would not plow the crops under to raise the price of food. I wish the world were a perfect place free from predators , free from hunger and disease but the world is not a perfect place. I remember being hungry as a child, my parents were not wealthy and when the groceries were gone for the week, you ate leftovers if you had ketchup or condiments you ate them with bread. The amazing thing is we survived , through it all but I can tell you looking back my greatest hunger was love. With both parents working to make ends meet and the coldness of today's world love is missing more than ever.
 We often hear of hungering after righteousness and Jesus said man cannot live by bread alone.
Matthew 5:6
Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.
  When I first learned about Jesus and saw the effect the word of God had on people. I was so hungry for more ,  my desire grew even past the desire for food. It may seem odd but anyone who has experienced this desire will also testify of that first hunger. We should see this as a good hunger, hungering after righteousness. Thirst is what follows hunger after eating a good meal often we need to wash it down - to help the digestion. I believe hunger and thirst go hand and hand and that is why the writer is saying to thirst also. Thirsting for the living waters after reading the scriptures often the Holy Spirit will quench my thirst by filling my vessel.

 How can we not see the world around us is not hungry- hungry for love. Children , elderly , persons of all ages , color , ethnic backgrounds all want the same thing. Do not be fooled - the world desires to know God. We often are told people are not interested in what you have to say but I am sure of this- they are. They see something you have and they want that more than anything. The world is a void, emptiness. Only Gods love can fill that void and you are the means.

Matthew 4:4
  But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.

 What more can I say - pray for the hungry , pray for the homeless but also share Gods word. I remember once picking up a hitch hiker and he said - he had not eaten and was hungry. It was my intention after dropping him off at the place where I was going to turn home to leave him a ten spot for food, but I remembered a tract with some good scriptures on it and included that. He may have just thrown it away , then again I have to believe that Jesus was right.-peace to you.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Test or Temptation

 Without a doubt we often confuse these two words and in the bible there are many examples of person of faith who were tested. We also see examples of persons who were tempted, are they the same thing. I pondered on this and came to the conclusion they are different.

 Temptation - As in the Lord's prayer temptation often follows forgiveness. And forgive us our trespasses,
As we forgive them that trespass against us.And lead us not into temptation, But deliver us from evil.
Noting that after the believer has accepted forgiveness , he is often tempted. We are taught to pray thus not to be led into temptation. How can we avoid temptation, living in the present world it is all around us. We go where God leads us yet sometimes there is a temptation to stray off the path. I live in an area where there are a lot of Amish and they often put on their horses what are called blinders. A blinder is a shield that blocks the vision of the horse keeping him centered on the road ahead. Of course we do not wear such blinders and are not horses. Do we rely on our conscience ah ha! No- our conscience is not a finely tuned mind. We must rely on the mind of Christ and the Holy Spirit will lead us away from temptation. Only through prayer can we avoid temptation as Christ taught.
 Will we ever be tempted-Yes . Even Jesus was tempted as in the example following his baptism . He fasted for forty days and was tempted by Satan. Now Jesus overcame temptation after temptation he was tempted to end his fast , something he was committed to in his journey, he was tempted with power and material possessions. All theses things were part of the example that he was willing to go through , to show us it is possible to avoid temptation. We cannot completely avoid temptation but are shown to overcome it.
 I know this might sound trivial but it is like starting a diet say you chose the south beach diet and would eat certain things. You start the journey on the south beach diet to conform to a weight that you decided was more comfortable. On the south beach diet you are supposed to find a buddy to go with you on the journey, the Holy Spirit is a great comforter. You are also given a list of good foods, you are not to even think about the unhealthy food , just the good stuff. Do you see where we are heading here, Good Food. Food for thought daily prayer and dwelling on the healthy diet will get you to your goal. It is more important to know what to eat , than what not to eat. I will say this again in another way - when you go shopping get the things on your list that you prepared and if your cupboard has something not on the list throw it out. Clean out those cupboards get yourself some healthy food.

 Test- We now have overcome temptation - well at least we made it part of our daily practice to eat the right food. Now we find out that we are tested , when is this going to end . I am going to say tests are par for the course in the christian life. If you are not being tested , then you probably are just an admirer of Christ and not a follower. Yes , just like Nicodemus who admired Christ but would not go through the rigors of actually following him. You can find a Nicodemus just about any where - they seem to be the ones who throw compliments and go along with just about anything to please others. They also will enjoy your company because they live off your spirituality. Yes- they may even be a relative or friend- ha ha! A true follower of Christ will be tested and you know what - that is not such a bad thing. I remember in the old testament David was tested. Abraham was tested, many of the prophets were tested - uh, Job . I remember first reading the book of Job - what that man did not go through. I actually got mad , why are you putting this guy through this God? He is a holy man - its not fair, we often say that to God, why am I being treated unfairly. Well it is because you are a follower a true believer and that is what happens - you are tested.
 I often like to dwell on the book of Psalms , and in Psalms 23 a basic principle is taught fear no evil.
That is good stuff, conquering fear is the end result of testing. It also grows our faith and when that happens we become sons and daughters of the living God. We become enlightened , we start to feel different inside , inner peace. We become spiritual beings and thine is the kingdom the power and the glory , forever and ever - yes, eternity. We become part of the kingdom of God - all this because we were tested. 1 Peter 1:6,7  "In anticipation of this ultimate deliverance, your joy overflows, though at present it may be your lot to suffer for a time through various trials to the end that your faith may be shown to be genuine. " How do you test a diamond, you examine it closely test its properties and behold one of the most beautiful and precious stones on earth.

 So, temptation and test are different as night and day. Temptation is bad for you- Test is actually good for you. It is important to know the difference because sometimes we think we not on the right path and are just being tested. - peace to you.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

God makes Stones

While in spiritual meditation God reminded me that we are not bricks, but that God makes Stones.
Each one of us is special and unique where bricks are all the same - clones. There were several versus in the bible eluding to this fact and one that came especially to mind is:

Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ.

 How can you build a church with stones and not bricks. First you put down the corner stones usually these are large stones.The church needs the unique abilities of each member and we come in all shapes or sizes- God who makes stones knows just where to put them. It is a fact that a church built of stones will far out last one made of bricks and in the end more beautiful.
 Bricks crumble after awhile especially when faced with a disaster or dilemma. Praise God! I would not want to be a clone of someone else or follow in mans footsteps. He does make teachers and we can learn things from others but always must maintain our uniqueness, never look upon man. When the only footsteps we are to follow is Jesus Christ , we will see there is no perfection in man. A lot of churches will go through failure , mega churches , even the catholic belonging to the largest christian body should realize all men have flaws. I remember when all the scandal broke out in Boston and spread throughout the globe about priests. God was teaching us a lesson not to look upon man. The catholic church suffered as the carnal mind loves gossip and a mob. They had lost parish priests not wanting to be associated with the scandal. Young men were reluctant to enter priesthood and some turned to other christian denominations.
 There is a lot of power in large denominations and such unity can deliver a large punch to hunger to the common good of humanity. I will tell you my wife is catholic and often we will attend the services and take communion together, many of the sermons are inspirational and the practice  of the holy communion and the Lords prayer are part of my culture also. We have never argued about religion in 30 years or enforced our minor difference upon each other. I consider her a christian as much as some will prefer to point out differences.
 Everyone even within a small community parish is unique in their person. Does this fit in with theology , certainly - if God wanted a race of androids with certain features cloned , he would have done so. That is the wonder of humanity and the wonder of you that he created us in his image but yet with  diversity. I often think what makes a person attractive in the human sense- it varies , on the islands of the Pacific Micronesian and Hawaii their culture leaned toward larger the better. You can see in our society petite , or skinny, muscular model of human is the pitch. All of this is vanity as long as a person lives a healthy life and eats sensibly cultural difference will not effect your spirituality , God makes stones. If we spent all of our time admiring ourselves or not in front of a mirror, how would that seem. I say accept who you are and live healthy if your life style is destructive to your health then consider a change.
 My mother is almost 79 years old , and my father 82 years old they both live healthy and often work outside getting fresh air. It was not always that way they made life changes as they became wiser and older. I have relatives of the same age that can not get out of bed or barely walk to a car without being out of breath, they smoked packs of cigarettes every day and now paying the toll. They may have been imitating the people they saw on the earlier commercials that it was sexy to smoke, trying to be bricks. God's love extends to our inner and outer  and certainly about every aspect of our health. Mental and physical - he will not push us beyond our capability.
 We often see scripture that He keeps us in the palm of his hand. Funny, but sometimes I picture God holding a stone, clutching onto it feeling the texture then gently placing it in a garden, admiring it among the rest of his creation. He actually did this on the first days of creation and of mankind also meaning womankind , saying that it was good. he separated the light from the darkness and called them night and day saying this was good , every thing he created was good. Then something changed man thought he knew better than God , he discovered knowledge but used it for evil not good. He distorted the truth and eventually fell from grace. Eventually wanting to restore grace , He sent living stones among us. He also sent his Son to restore us to grace, then gave us a choice to accept or reject the stone.-Peace to you.

Psalms 118:22  
The stone which the builders rejected has become the head stone of the corner.

Sunday, October 9, 2011


 I really appreciate all the wonderful responses to my poetry as my time is stretched so thin, working 70 hour plus weeks. It seems harder to find time to write and finding that sharing what is on my mind and heart has been noted. I was a full time minister in my early years , until my son Sean was born and had a need to pay doctor bills , there was not a lot of help back then and Down Syndrome can have a terrible toll on a person. It also had a toll on us emotionally as he was both blind and deaf. We managed to find the right doctors with Gods help, Dr Calhoun of Wills eye hospital and Dr Lee of Hershey Hospital who performed amazing surgery and transplants, he is able to see today. He also was able to hear thanks to John Hopkins University physicians in Baltimore.
 My son had a stroke several months ago due to medications but surprisingly after the stroke he is better than before, amazing how God works. I just want to thank all the wonderful people in my life. I always thank the Lord for bringing them my way. A lot of time has passed and tribulation for me personally, one could not even imagine. As things settle, I prayed for direction and feel called back into ministry of hospitality. It is not as high profile as evangelist or pastor . I feel directed to pray one on one with the elderly and read to the sick in homes and hospitals. It may seem small for someone with years of education but my eyes are being open to this. It is something we did on week days in the ministry which filled the gaps. Showing a little hospitality may be all I can handle at this point in my life but we will see where it goes.
            One who wants to shake the world must first learn to shake a hand. -amen
A lovely poetic response that I serendipitously came across to yesterday's post. 
                                                                A Stone in Time

In the present I live,
Not a prophecy to give.
No end of world to predict,
or special powers to convict.
God put me here today,
A Stone in time to pray.
War and suffering still exist,
Virtual worlds must I resist.
Till my soul rest in peace,
In the present never cease.
Why worry about the past,
or future shadows cast.
Your time is here and now,
Time to sow and time to plow.
Woven in the seam of time,
You were placed in the rhyme.
A greater poet will ever be,
The creator of the wind and sea.
Saint Eule (I like his stuff check it out)

Pastor Kocak was kind enough to share one of my poems in his Plant Medina ministry in Ohio. He recently became an ordained minister completing years of seminary in Anglican church and serving as a chaplain. His daughter is named Anna Rose who just turned 1 years old last week, which is a spiritual blessing because my Grandmothers were names were Anna and Rose is that quite a coincidence, since they inspired me.
Diamond in the Rough by Saint Eule,  "Refracting multi faceted, Opulent rays of light. Found beneath the earth, In the mud one bright. Shiny diamond in the rough, For what purpose, did it surface. At first a feeling of joy, Then a sense of possession. Perhaps love is an obsession. Was the opulence real, or just a cruel bluff, the diamond in the rough."

 This is a picture by Geoff Trotter a very special artist in photography. He took this picture at Christs Church in New Zealand. The church was destroyed all that remained was a stained glass window protruding from the wreckage. He placed one of my poems beneath the picture which paired up beautifully.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


 A relative of mine had gone back into our ancestry shared it with the rest of the family. It was not too surprising to find many were fleeing religious persecution. Starting out as Celtic origin eventually settling in the US and Northern Canada. We were of the early Brethren faith until my uncles decided to join up in World War two and were shunned. I think we have had a generation in every war since, my father a Korean war vet and I was Vietnam vet. Far from our Brethren roots and faith which prohibits a member from entering armed services.
 I believe in peace and without a doubt choose peace over war - but also believe there is a time for everything under the sun. If a neighbor was being mugged I certainly would not sit by and watch or if my children were being harmed would protect them. Luke 6:29 And unto him that smiteth thee on the one cheek offer also the other; and him that taketh away thy cloke forbid not to take thy coat also. This is a difficult thing to do, turn the other cheek. I have learned to with hold anger and to not be possessive my things are not worth shooting someone over. I would however protect the life of my grandchildren or fellow soldier in war time.
 Is it wrong to go to war - the bible says thou shall not kill. Yet - God has intervened in helping the Israelite in defeating enemies- David and Goliath . There is a time and place for everything, a  christian soldier was one of my favorite poets Alfred Joyce Kilmer who wrote the poem "Trees" and another favorite "The House with nobody in it". He was of the christian faith and once turned down a commission to fight on the front lines, in which he lost his life to a snipers bullet. He did not write that many poems considering his main claim to fame was poetry. I can say war is one of my pet peeves, in my poems call it the whore of humanity. A lot of good men and women losing their lives and sometimes in friendly fire. There is a time for even war though- to protect your loved ones from a foreign invader.
 I  do remember turning the cheek when being mocked as a christian but never left my post or would have any hesitation to fire my weapon if called upon. This is a tough call Jesus did not come to judge the world but to save it, yet there is a time for judgement and a time to act. Fortunately I never had to kill another human being but have lost dozens of close friends in war time, in a plane crash.
  I attend the Lutheran church and my wife is Catholic so also attend there too, but could just as much feel at home in a Baptist or any fundamental church. I would not consider ever going back to our origins of Brethren , if we did not fight for this country during the revolutionary war we would be be under the control and persecution of the British still offering oaths to the Queen instead of in God we trust. I know there are pacifist Christians of various denominations who enjoy the freedoms the Baptist, Lutherans and Catholics and others have died for in good conscience and that some day Jesus will come to judge the wicked and with an army,Yes- there is a time for everything under the sun.
 Jesus said in Matthew 7:6 "Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you". That is also in the bible. Not everyone will be receptive to Gods grace or words. There are evil and wicked people out there , that have no intention of changing- this is reality.  My experience has been to reach others earlier in life for a higher success rate, I would not want to discourage anyone in prison ministry, since they are most needy- so I removed my personal experience from this posting. I regret perhaps sounding harshly toward my Brethren origin, or any Amish or Mennonite Christians that have passive resistance policies asking their forgiveness. Sometimes passive resistance works and would be my first choice , but this is a non -perfect world in which in defense of the innocent and to fight for liberty I would.
  One of my favorite persons of all time beside Jesus Christ of course was George Washington , I write about him in my poetry, here is an example of one of his letters:
  "The Hand of providence has been so conspicuous in all this, that he must be worse than an infidel that lacks faith, and more than wicked, that has not gratitude enough to acknowledge his obligations".  He was talking about service to his country at that time.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

The Peacemakers

 I had written a quote about society which for a time was listed in the greatest quotes of all time even number one for a while. It went like this:

 We humans tend to expand or shrink our social circles relative to the circumference of the circumstances.

 What is meant by Shrinking our circles - we sometimes get motivated, secure and want to just reach out to the world, in our blogging, in our giving - sharing thoughts. Then maybe we get caught up in work or our financial situation changes, or our motivation is diminished. We tend to shrink the circle to just family preservation, then sometimes just self preservation.
  This is nothing to be ashamed of it is a human reality, sometimes we need a break from saving the world or perhaps need to put food on the table, maybe our priorities adjust. When my grandchildren were born , they became an important part of my inner circle. I stopped my TV cable and put aside that monthly bill for their futures. My eating habits changed , no longer went to restaurants as frequent - because I love my grandchildren.
 I have a child who has disabilities , downs syndrome- he still lives with us and is 29 years old. I had to shrink my circle to take care of his needs at one time his medical expenses were tough but he has always brought us great joy.
  We then find our footing  and are able to give to mission work or help out in the community. I was always a coach or manager of little league, pee wee football , challenger league baseball for my handicapped son. Spent a lot of time in community service , in church youth organizing etc. but there were times when I felt inspired to reach the world. With so much going on how was it possible to have time to expand my circle to the entire world. I prayed on this and started to write poetry not just from a natural sense but sometimes shed tears. Writing poetry is not always a joy- it can bring out all your emotion. My wife would see me with a tear sometimes and say what is the matter, I would say oh, just writing a poem.
  What is expanding our circle- During my early years in ministry I had friends that were beside me for over 30 years , imagine a long friendship such as that , how precious. Then one day God spoke to my heart and wanted me to expand my circle again. He wanted me to reach beyond the christian community to the Hindu, the followers of Buddha, the Jewish, the Aboriginal and the Islamic. My friends of 30 years abandoned me - they thought I was no longer a christian. I said - yes, Jesus Christ is my Lord but my journey has led me to a path of peace that even I did not understand.
 The Lord if he were here today, would he be speaking at the local Baptist or Lutheran church. Would he become a Catholic priest, or Episcopal clergy. I think not- what do you think? I believe he would reach the world his desire was that the gospel be shared with the entire world. This means crossing religious barriers not an easy path. I can tell you when my friends of 30 years abandoned me, it broke my heart - my wife stood beside me which helped. They held onto their religious prejudice - I had to learn every custom or belief possible so as not to offend. My complex theology changed because God willed it , all those years of learning mans theology. Why was God pulling me out of my comfort zone, I agonized over this.
  Love your enemies - Blessed are the peacemakers, how did this all fit in. I started to minister at Jewish funerals, Catholic funerals found myself speaking to gurus about their spiritual journeys. I studied aboriginal beliefs , read many , many books on religion. God then led me to Love, Hope and Forgiveness. I found inner peace like never before- no longer did I condemn others for their beliefs, Jesus came not to judge the world but to save it. It all started to make sense my circle still has Christ in the center but reaches out to the world, even if dogma or religious hatred get in my way, I must Love my enemies. Not only love them but be with them in their grief, embrace not their beliefs but embrace them. 
 I reached out to the interfaith community to find common ground- to end war. To end human suffering caused by religious indifference. Jesus actually scolded me for not reaching beyond the christian community, my journey was to change - I was to become a stone not just a christian. Some of the churches would not me let speak in them. They knew I was embracing their enemies no longer wanting to speak evil of them but Love them. I did however find people like me , some were reformed Jews, some were Islamic , some were Catholic priest, and some Hindu. They wanted peace and were willing to expand their circles to reach out for peace in Love, Hope and Forgiveness. Yes, they had the same desire put into their hearts.

Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.

Luke 6:35 But love your enemies, do good to them, and lend to them without expecting to get anything back. Then your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High, because he is kind to the ungrateful and wicked.

Saturday, October 1, 2011


 What does it mean to be infinite , in mathematics everything is defined- infinity cannot be defined. There are prime numbers , no cognitive or deductive science to explain infinity. Cognitive would conclude from hypothetical and deductive from known reasoning. In Genesis we see the Hebrew word "barah" which means to create out of nothing. We also see the Hebrew word "asah" which mean to create from existing materials. In mathematics it was originally thought about by early scholars the number "zero" , nil , nothing. How can you have something from nothing therefore how can there be a "zero" it is what the greatest minds of greek and other thinkers of the day pondered over. Yet without a "zero" nothing in math could be explained, algebra could not exist - so "zero" was needed. Is it so strange that God could create out of nothing "zero" an unexplained but needed phenomena.The scholars perceived if there is a zero, then there also is an infinity.

 Jesus said ' I am the Alpha and the Omega , the first and last.' This may seem a profound statement. In cognitive or deductive science is beyond understanding but then so was the "zero". A number that is needed to balance out the positive and negative. We cannot imagine infinity only that  scholars knew such a phenomena existed it is a number greater than any real number, an uncountable number. Jesus used the terms alpha and omega -first and last, to explain his existence in Revelations. Now - I have read the book of Revelations probably many times perhaps several in its entirety and still cannot comprehend it. I can honestly say at one point , I did not recognize it because it was so abstract. Then I realized it is one of the most amazing books. It takes us into another thought - the abstract thought.The concept of understanding complex relationships this is why Revelations is better left to an abstract mind.
 Perhaps the mind of an artist or someone gifted in that area. I unfortunately am not an artist or an abstract thinker. It is not something you can be be just because you want it. You either have that part of your brain turned on or not. I have always been an engineer when it comes to crunching real numbers it is my career. I do know that Jesus had a divine nature and it is said in Ecclesiastes God is beyond the understanding of even the wisest of men. He may someday reveal what Revelations is about and for now I am content with living in the present and not knowing. Patience is the key to understanding, at this point still waiting.



 There was a great miracle in the bible called the transfiguration of Christ. Many would want dispute  this controversial event which Jesus was declared the true Son of God and met with early prophets to have a conversation. This was witnessed by Peter, James and John , so  it is their testimony we are hearing in scriptures. It is the peak of Christ's life on earth by having the two greatest prophets of all time Moses who gave the ten commandments, and led the Israel nation out of Egypt through the wilderness just short of the promised land. Then there was Elijah the prophet who raised the dead , and was taken away in a whirlwind.

 Jesus had a conversation with them after his face shone as the sun, his garments were white  as the light. Early prophets showing up at this event confirmed his nature. Yet later in the book of John , it was Peter who denied Christ. I would think after witnessing such an event he would have more faith than any of the apostles, he also walked on the water for a short time with Christ. What would one give to have been Peter , someone who bore witness to so many miracles and Jesus himself teaching him to perform miracles. Yet - he denied Christ in his last hours before the soldiers as Jesus had predicted he would. Yet , Jesus said after Peter recognized in Him the nature of Christ , Simon Barjona ,  upon this rock I shall build my church. Could he have been speaking of Peter as  some church builders would say building his church on a man, making him the first pope and falling into a practice of papist beliefs -or Could he be speaking of the fact that Peter recognized the nature of Christ , and this was the rock, a building block of faith.
 I will share in my experience as one who first confessed to God , Jesus was Lord was given the gift of salvation believe the rock of my salvation is Jesus Christ. Peter was not present at that time, neither was Moses or Elijah. The transfigured Christ was my salvation not Peter, Peter only confessed Christ as Lord, that is his claim to fame and he was not perfect, neither are we, only Christ is perfection. I will bear witness to the fact that Jesus desire is to have us not only follow Him but also wants us to be righteous, yes to wear the white garments and be holy before God. Jesus once spoke of this in the story of the wedding feast, which I believe is the greatest revelation of the kingdom of heaven if understood. In the end the wedding of Christ to his church the union came down to who had on their wedding garments. All others were seen as imposters and cast into the pit. Even those who did miracles in Jesus name were looked upon as wolves in sheep clothing, that did not live up to a holy life.
 During the transfiguration Moses was present, earlier in the old testament Moses had died before reaching the promised land. I believe Moses was present out of respect to Christ holy priesthood, and Elijah the prophet taken away in a whirlwind also was there to confirm the prophecy of Christ in Jesus. Many awaited the return of Elijah , but was this only to be as a participant of this event . Why would even the two prophets be present with the apostles watching or was God allowing them to witness as a reward for their service the transfiguration of His Son. All of these are conjecture - I do not claim to know the answer to this mystery miracle. What did they talk about? Why were they there?

 Obviously a miracle to some minds is beyond comprehension, I was not there as was Moses, Elijah, Peter , James and John. I do know Gods ability is beyond comprehension and all things are possible. There are those who can accept Elijah being carried away in a whirlwind or Moses seeing and speaking to the burning bush. This miracle of the transfiguration far exceeds any other, it speaks of time travel, of prophecy filled, a man transfigured into divine. At his baptism a voice came from heaven ,This is my Son of whom I am well pleased. At the transfiguration we were given a glimpse of His glory.

 Matthew (17:2) states that Jesus "was transfigured before them; his face shining as the sun, and his garments became white as the light." At that point the prophets Elijah and Moses appear and Jesus begins to talk to them.

Sunday, September 25, 2011


 There are periods of our life when things may seem dismal. It may be a day when you awake to a flat tire and are in a hurry. That same day your employer gives you a demanding amount of work and deadlines that seem impossible. You run into a rude person at a convenience store and forgot your wallet or purse being in a hurry . Your spouse or friend may not be understanding or caught up in their own priorities. Some can fall apart under this kind of pressure but as a  Christian , we learn it is just another lesson in life. 
 When swimming in the ocean , I encountered a school of fish. Often this is a good thing if you are a fishermen, having one of those fish finders it can help to spot these fish and can produce a good catch. Why do fish travel in schools and so close together. You may already know this but it is to appear as a very large fish , so they are protected. The illusion is that all the tiny fishes are seen as a very large fish in the ocean they are safe (except from those fish finders). 
 How does this relate - it is the time when a person has a multitude of problems they are most vulnerable, not necessarily big problems but a bunch of little ones. When in prayer sometimes the total sum of these little issues surface. A trick of little fishes is often used by other forces.
 In Matthew 8:28-34 , Luke 8:30 and Mark 5:9 We see Jesus encountering fierce forces , they called themselves Legion because they were many. They would not let others pass but Jesus recognized the forces and cast them into a herd of swine who ran into the water and drowned.  This may seem strange to the carnal mind. Why would this be written about in multiple gospels, it obviously is a significant lesson to be learned. First they were Legion , Second no one could pass but Jesus, and Third they were terrified of Jesus because the Lord had knowledge of them even making them expose themselves.
 We get a lot of messages about Love and Peace - these are the easy, welcome sermons often preached about in church. Once, in a chapel in which I was ministering overseas an elder came up to me and said. just preach on Love, do not mention the other things in the bible the natives are superstitious and afraid of demons. It seemed to make sense, I did not want scare anyone away from church, especially if they are superstitious. Then God spoke to my heart and I gave a sermon on Legion , how Jesus overcame the many. We as Christians have that same authority and power over the many. Why should we let them block our path to righteousness, why should we live in fear. The natives overcame their fear and came back the next Sunday for more. 
 My desire is to  open the path to righteousness and face our problems though they may seem small can add up. Jesus would not have it any other way - defeat superstition and those imps that get in the way of our path. Some times it is the little things in life that can bring us down. Praise God, when you are having one of those days just think how Jesus would have faced them. Peace unto you.

Saturday, September 24, 2011


 Though it may seem hard to understand Thought often follows Word. We hear Gods speak through scripture or inspiration , sometime even through a burning bush. My experience is through ministering angels and through his people. I have studied Thought and broken it down into three basic planes.

1. Self (self gratifying , material attachment, virtual - escapism, fear, self preservation.)

2. Meditative ( opposite of self, material detachment, inviting the Holy Spirit, conquering fear, inner peace)

3. Creative ( Following Word , Thought -creative thought leads to Deed. Sometimes it may be a song or writing a book or poem-quotation original, inspiration an invention or planting.) Planting is a part of creative thought , God will plant seeds from a creative mind. God dwells in this plane. He will not force us into it, but invites us.

 When I think of Thought it can be philosophical such as practiced by a religious holy person where the second level is obtained. The meditative level leads to inner peace , which is what Christ had promised to his apostles, my peace I leave unto you.
  Enoch walked with God but was not, in Thought what does that mean. Enoch was a dwelling place for God he was not himself. He was eventually  taken from this world, I do not know how- whether he crossed dimensions or a divine chariot came as some proposed. In the Creative thought anything is possible or can happen. Sometimes a person can have an out of body experience or once I experienced an encounter with a messenger and thoughts were encrypted into my mind, almost like a data transmission. Later I tried to find out what happened, it was instantaneous , bits and pieces later became decompressed and understood. It was not prophetic futuristic visions but volumes of information. I think this was something others have experienced throughout history, many probably kept it secret - not wanting to be mocked. Edgar Cayce was said, to enter a dream state and obtain knowledge on healing , practical living and future events. I only had one dream of a future event and it came true after 30 years, so I know seeing in the future is possible just not something that happens every day. Mine was related to a family member and was not earth shaking.
 The Creative Thought is one where, let this mind be in you that was also in Christ Jesus. Jesus had wisdom , since a child was a student that impressed his teachers. He often spoke in the parables to bring things of depth to a simple understanding. The Creative mind is not just built around stories but truth, we see various prophets in history that had foregone the material world for the creative. Jesus was able to multiply the food to feed the multitude at a gathering with just a few items. Is healing possible today - Yes , I have seen various members of my family healed by prayer at home. It was not something we thought extraordinary we still went to doctors and medical professionals for surgery not thinking it was a lack of faith, we just accepted the blessings as they came.
 You hear of out of body experiences - our Thoughts can project us into another place, perhaps thousands of miles or maybe just a few feet. Creative thought is amazing - many are exploring this phenomena and writing books on astral projection. Habakkuk was transported to Babylon , Daniel was and Isaiah were both transported - Isaiah  to heaven for a glimpse. We even see Enoch was transported and never returned. All this seems like an episode of Doctor Who -an imaginary figure who traveled time. I believe God put us in this place and time for a reason, we are a stone in time for others. I am content to be here and now- it is where my journey begins and ends.
  Is the modern church adept to handle spirituality, NO- most churches were created by divisions and will say that the bible and liturgy is all there is. They will refuse to fast or pray beyond the expected daily devotion or pew time. We have hindu and buddhist monks that will fast for weeks but very few pastors believe in fasting. My take on this is fasting is required to purify the mind , so Thought can be put on track with Gods will. It does not need to be practiced often but at least once a year or more. My fast is with water for three days but no food, sometimes I will fast eating just one meal for weeks or a particular type of food Quaker oats bar and a glass of water.
  I only speak about fasting as a way to get your mind off the material world and purify your thoughts.Coupled with prayer a powerful tool to enter the meditative and if blessed the creative thought stream.
  I am sure inner peace will carry you through this life, and that is enough but if you are in need of a spiritual awakening or perhaps a burden is upon you, you should not be afraid to try to take your christian experience to a creative level. You will still maintain a sound mind, if the cup is filled to the tup with goodness , evil cannot enter.  Peace be with you.

Monday, September 19, 2011

God Speaks

 We read in the bible the story of Adam and Eve - a story so ancient we can only theorize the origins. We do know it was worth recording in the scriptures. Adam was supposedly of superior intellect able to categorize all the plants and animals. He had knowledge of animal husbandry, preservation and survival in a jungle of vegetation in a garden atmosphere. Where did Adam gain all this knowledge - he was not raised as a child , there were no schools or humans before him. Adam was not a computer or android because he had free will was not programmed. It was said in Genesis Adam had conversations with God but where did he learn Gods language or was it a transmitted thought directly to his mind.
 It may seem strange when the bible states in Timothy 2:5  For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus, 6 who gave himself as a ransom for all people. This has now been witnessed to at the proper time.  This can be understood in new covenant times, since Enoch , Abraham and many have spoken to God in ancient times and God had also spoken through the prophets. Hebrew 1:1 God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets- God also speaks through angels-Hebrews 1:14 Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?  We read of the Angel of the Lord whom spoke to Hagar about giving birth to Ishmael also to Abraham of his promises to his descendents. In psalms it is written God speaks from his dwelling place.
 The notion that God no longer speaks from his dwelling place or does not use prophets today is only perceived by those who believe God left us in apostolic times. God is the same today , yesterday and forever, he still speaks from His dwelling place. He still walks with us and sends angels to minister to his people. Some believe God only uses the written word and that is all in their capacity to understand. 1 Corinthians 2:14 But a natural man does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually appraised. 15 But he who is spiritual appraises all things, yet he himself is appraised by no one. 16 For WHO HAS KNOWN THE MIND OF THE LORD, THAT HE WILL INSTRUCT HIM? But we have the mind of Christ.
 It is my belief Adam was a spiritual person of God before he fell into sin. He therefore had knowledge imparted as he had the need, he was not given permission to eat directly from the tree of knowledge. There is a reason for this because knowledge imparted by God is used for good, knowledge obtained otherwise can be used for evil. It is like atomic power it can destroy or be used in peaceful means to supply energy. Medicine can be abused and destroy us or used in healing. There are multitudes of such examples of knowledge used for the right holistic value or abused.
 I will say this God will speak from His dwelling place, the Holy Spirit is God. He will speak from those who are filled with the Holy Spirit. He also has recorded in scripture writings by men who were inspired by the Holy Spirit. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.  My belief has always been God is Love, Hope and Forgiveness leading to Word , Thought and Deed. The Word will lead us just like in Revelations 19:11-13 where the rider on the white horse was the Word soaked in blood. In the book of Isaiah it explain his blood being spilled over us , like a wine press. From the old testament to the new the theme is the same God's Word would become flesh and was alive in the person of Jesus Christ. We are to carry on message as the Holy Spirit dwells in us.
“My sheep hear My voice, and I know them,
and they follow Me.”
John 10:27